Pulmonary Fibrosis News Forums Forums Welcome Lounge Any MDs / radiologists on here?

  • Any MDs / radiologists on here?

    Posted by Gavin John Powers on August 17, 2023 at 9:51 am

    I know this is unconventional and this isn’t a medical advice site, but I’m at wits end. I’m posting a link to a low dose CT I had in July. It opens in Weasis on computer. I can open the scans on phone with IDV app.
    I’ve been told there are signs of ILD on CT but doctor doesn’t agree with radiologist. I just can’t get anywhere. and I continue to feel like I’m breathing into wood with tiny gasps only. Also now it feels like my torso is strapped with belts and I have sharp stabbing pains in back of arms. I collapsed and went unconscious for ten minutes on Monday and was rushed to hospital by ambulance. Emergency doctors did X-ray and blood tests and said they couldn’t see anything. So I was sent home. I can barely walk through severe exhaustion but I can’t sleep with constant pulse rate of 120+
    I am getting nowhere with diagnosis while I just get sicker with more pain. They’re still ignoring the very low lung capacity/ restrictive pattern that showed on spirometry last year. I was hoping there might be a doctor or radiologist on here to kindly study my CT for a second opinion.
    I can’t believe a person can be so ill but get no help from doctors.
    kind regards, Gavin. Link below to drop box – it’s a zip file. Once it opens there’s a folder with all the scan data in.
    It contains the letter showing the scan report, which says there is a nodule.
    Since then it has been reviewed by another radiologist who says there are signs of IPF but my doctor is umming and ahing about that. I’m just lost. I’d be grateful for any Help. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k3mxuw2yfz6pzn6w7tkn2/IEP-PD026725.zip?rlkey=cyby4r8dn5xnbo8trd6elffqg&dl=0

    Donald Salzberg MD replied 1 year, 6 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Donald Salzberg MD

    August 17, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    Hi Gavin. I hear and feel your frustration. I am a retired Ophthalmologist (2020) so I am not going to take the liberty of reading your scans as I’m not qualified. I was diagnosed in 2018 and a CXR (chest XRay) from a year before was “normal,” but once I got to see a pulmonologist, he immediately asked me if anyone that saw my CXR said anything. I have a few questions:

    1) How old are you   2) Are you seeing a pulmonologist who deals with ILD?  3) Have you had PFTs (pulmonary function tests)—these help differentiate ILD from other issues. 4)Smoker?  5) Exposure to chemicals etc. 6) Why is your heart rate so elevated?  Is it regular or irregular?  7)Is the lung nodule new or was seen in the past?  8) Any issues with peripheral vascular disease/⬆️cholesterol etc?  9)How is your blood pressure?
    Doctor Don

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