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  • Oxygen users and time extention?

    Posted by george-poulsen on March 5, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    <b class=””>I don’t use oxygen tanks and will likely head in that direction sooner or later. But I did recently notice some conversations regarding the use of oxygen tanks for canoeing and other water sports and concerns about weight and useable time of oxygen tanks vs concentrators. It reminded me of this article that I had seen and I wonder how many folks are familiar with the “Multiplier Medalions” or “Oxymizers” that can apparently provide some fairly large increases in useable time of oxygen based on a pulse medalion concept only on the intake of air as needed? Based on what I have read it can extend your breathing time significantly with small to larger tanks for an active person up to 3-5 times. I have absolutely no experience other than a lot with my home and pulse portable units but as my needs increase I can assure you that I will investigate quite thoroughly as to oxygen extenders.
    There is also a table of cylinder sizes and LPM rates and tank pressures and even two separate tables that appear to be for use with “conservation multipliers of 3:1 and 5:1 flow rates. These tables are shown with a URL Address of http://www.respondo2.com . My doctor had originally recommended oxygen tanks and “Medalion” for time extension but I overrode that with purchasing an Inogen battery unit which has been good up to now. The article on the medalion approach is lengthy and shown below. But for those with knowledge or experience with these devices it might be worthwhile to share your info with the rest of us.

    If you’re concerned about excess oxygen waste or your current machine’s
    settings no longer fit your needs you may want to consider an Oxymizer Pendant.
    The Oxymizer Pendant is capable of reducing oxygen costs by 75% on a
    continuous flow machine and is our simplest conserving device, operating
    without batteries or controls! This oxygen saver also has the
    capability of increasing your oxygen output up to 2 LPM. Having this
    extra reserve of oxygen allows you to run your concentrator on a lower
    setting, saving energy, money, and battery life!

    What is an Oxymizer: A Comprehensive Overview (2024)

    by | Updated: Jan 8, 2024

    An Oxymizer is a medical device integral to the field of oxygen therapy, designed to conserve oxygen and improve the efficiency of its delivery to patients.

    Its function extends beyond that of a typical nasal cannula; it houses an advanced reservoir system that markedly enhances oxygen supply management.

    Despite its critical role, the Oxymizer remains largely unknown to those outside healthcare circles.

    This article aims to shed light on the Oxymizer, offering a comprehensive overview of its design, operation, and impact on medical practices, ultimately striving to increase understanding of this pivotal instrument in patient care.

    What is an Oxymizer?

    An Oxymizer is a medical device used to increase the efficiency of supplemental oxygen therapy. It uses a disposable reservoir cannula that stores up to 30 mL of oxygen during the patient’s exhalation phase. This conserves oxygen and delivers a higher concentration of oxygen to the patient while using less overall oxygen from the source.

    Compatible with all continuous-flow oxygen sources, including compressed gas, concentrators, and liquid oxygen, the Oxymizer is a practical addition to many oxygen therapy setups.

    How Does an Oxymizer Work?

    An Oxymizer works by incorporating an oxygen reservoir positioned under the patient’s nose, which captures and stores excess oxygen between breaths. As a result, the patient receives a higher volume of oxygen during each inhalation, increasing oxygenation and improving overall efficiency.

    In some cases, using an Oxymizer can result in an oxygen savings ratio of up to 4:1.

    This innovative tool provides a cost-effective and convenient solution for patients who require continuous oxygen therapy, ensuring they receive the necessary oxygen support with a reduced burden on resources.

    What is the Purpose of Using an Oxymizer?

    An Oxymizer is a disposable reservoir cannula that functions as a simple and effective oxygen-conserving device.

    Unlike other conserving devices, it operates without the need for electronics, batteries, switches, or flow controls, making it a convenient and reliable option for oxygen therapy patients.

    The primary purpose of an Oxymizer is to provide improved oxygenation while reducing the flow rate required for adequate oxygen saturation. This is possible because of its unique design, which features a built-in reservoir that stores a higher concentration of oxygen during the exhalation phase of the breathing cycle.

    When the patient inhales, the stored oxygen is delivered along with the regular flow, leading to increased oxygenation without the need for higher flow rates.

    Compatible with all continuous-flow oxygen sources, including compressed gas, concentrators, and liquid oxygen, the Oxymizer offers a savings ratio of up to 4:1.

    Oxymizer Types

    There are primarily two types of Oxymizer devices, distinguished by their design:

    1. Oxymizer Cannula (or Mustache Style): This type of
      Oxymizer looks like a regular nasal cannula but with a larger,
      mustache-shaped piece that fits just below the user’s nose. This is the
      oxygen-conserving reservoir, and its position allows it to collect the
      oxygen that would typically be wasted during exhalation. Upon
      inhalation, this oxygen is then delivered back to the user.
    2. Oxymizer Pendant: The Oxymizer Pendant also uses a
      reservoir to conserve oxygen, but the design is different. The reservoir
      is located in a pendant-like device that hangs down, typically
      positioned near the user’s chest. The oxygen is delivered through a
      standard nasal cannula connected to the pendant. This design is favored
      by users seeking more discretion, as it can easily be concealed beneath

    Both types of Oxymizers function in the same way and provide the same benefits. They are designed to conserve oxygen, improve efficiency, and extend the duration of oxygen supplies.

    The choice between the two usually depends on individual preference regarding comfort and appearance.

    Benefits of Using an Oxymizer

    The Oxymizer is a valuable tool in the field of oxygen therapy with several benefits, including the following:

    • Improved Oxygen Efficiency: The Oxymizer conserves
      oxygen by capturing exhaled oxygen in its built-in reservoir and
      delivering it back on the subsequent inhalation. This feature means the
      user gets more oxygen per breath, thereby improving oxygen efficiency.
    • Longer Duration: Since the Oxymizer makes efficient
      use of oxygen, the supply lasts longer. This means patients can go for
      extended periods without needing to replace or refill their oxygen
    • Cost-Effective: The extended duration of oxygen
      supply means fewer replacements and refills, resulting in lower overall
      costs for oxygen therapy.
    • Comfort and Discretion: The Oxymizer resembles a
      regular nasal cannula, making it more comfortable and discreet to wear
      in public. This can greatly enhance the user’s comfort and
    • Compatibility: It can be used with most stationary
      and portable oxygen delivery systems, making it a flexible option for
      different scenarios, including daily activities or travel.
    • Patient Compliance: Due to its convenience and the
      benefits mentioned above, patients are often more compliant in using an
      Oxymizer consistently, contributing to better therapy outcomes.

    Disadvantages of Using an Oxymizer

    Despite the multitude of benefits the Oxymizer offers, it also comes with a few drawbacks that must be considered:

    • Higher Initial Cost: Although it reduces the
      long-term costs of oxygen therapy by conserving oxygen, the initial
      purchase price of an Oxymizer can be higher than that of a traditional
      oxygen delivery device.
    • Maintenance Requirements: Regular cleaning and
      replacement are necessary to ensure the Oxymizer functions properly,
      which can be inconvenient for some users.
    • Dependency on Proper Breathing: The effectiveness
      of the Oxymizer largely depends on the user’s breathing patterns. If the
      user breathes through their mouth or has inconsistent breathing
      patterns, the oxygen conservation benefits of the Oxymizer may be
    • Not Suitable for High Flow Rates: The Oxymizer is
      not ideal for patients who require high oxygen flow rates. It’s
      typically used for individuals who require a flow rate of 6 liters per
      minute or less.
    • Potential for Dryness and Irritation: As with other nasal delivery devices, some users may experience nasal dryness or irritation, especially with prolonged use.

    Note: It is important for patients and healthcare providers to weigh these potential disadvantages against the benefits when considering the use of an Oxymizer. As with any medical device, what works well for one patient might not be as effective for another. The right choice will depend on individual needs, lifestyle, and medical conditions.

    Oxymizer Flow Rate

    The Oxymizer is an oxygen-conserving device that is designed to function optimally at lower flow rates, typically up to about 6 liters per minute (LPM).

    It effectively boosts the amount of oxygen delivered to the user without the need for higher flow rates.

    Image by activeforever.com.

    As you can see, the oxygen flow requirements for an Oximizer are up to 75% less compared to a conventional nasal cannula.

    Oxymizer vs. Nasal Cannula

    Compared to a conventional nasal cannula, the Oxymizer boasts a savings ratio of up to 4:1, meaning it can significantly reduce the amount of oxygen flow required to achieve desired saturation levels.

    For instance, if a patient requires a 2 LPM (liters per minute) setting with a conventional nasal cannula, the Oxymizer may allow for the flow rate to be reduced to 0.5 LPM, leading to an oxygen savings of 75%.

    This efficiency is made possible due to the Oxymizer’s ability to store pure oxygen in its reservoir, which increases the concentration of oxygen inhaled by the patient.

    As a result, it not only conserves oxygen but also helps maintain the target SpO2 (peripheral oxygen saturation) levels.

    Moreover, the use of an Oxymizer can make portable oxygen tanks last longer, especially for patients relying on oxygen therapy at home.

    By allowing for lower flow rates without compromising oxygenation, patients can experience greater convenience and a reduced need for frequent tank refills.

    Summary: The Oxymizer presents a valuable alternative to a conventional nasal cannula by enabling oxygen conservation, maintaining adequate saturation levels, and providing compatibility with various oxygen sources.

    Oxymizer Endurance and Comfort

    The Oxymizer is a specialized oxygen cannula designed to provide high-flow oxygen therapy for extended periods. One of its key benefits is the improvement in endurance capacity during activities like cycling, especially for those with severe COPD.

    The Oxymizer’s oxygen reservoir stores pure oxygen, increasing the concentration of inhaled oxygen and thereby enhancing the user’s performance during demanding physical activities.

    In addition to its endurance-enhancing effects, the Oxymizer prioritizes user comfort.

    Unlike oxygen masks, the Oxymizer allows patients to eat, drink, and talk without obstruction. This makes it a more convenient and user-friendly option for long-term oxygen therapy.

    The tubing associated with the Oxymizer is designed with patient comfort in mind. The pendant model features a reservoir that can be worn underneath clothing, ensuring discretion and reducing any discomfort caused by traditional external tubing.

    This design feature helps users feel more at ease and confident while using the Oxymizer.

    Compatibility is another advantage of the Oxymizer, as it can be used with various oxygen sources, including compressed gas cylinders, concentrators, and liquid oxygen.

    Additionally, the Oxymizer is disposable and does not require batteries for operation, making it a low-maintenance solution for patients.

    Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Oxymizer Use

    Pulmonary rehabilitation is a comprehensive program that aims to improve the quality of life for individuals with chronic lung diseases, such as COPD.

    It often includes a combination of exercise training, education, and emotional support to help patients manage their condition effectively.

    One crucial aspect of pulmonary rehabilitation for some patients is the use of supplemental oxygen therapy, which can alleviate symptoms of breathlessness and increase overall exercise capacity.

    In a prospective cross-over study, 43 patients with severe COPD who were participating in pulmonary rehabilitation and required long-term oxygen therapy were included. The study compared the effects of the Oxymizer with a conventional nasal cannula.

    The patients experienced improved oxygenation during exercise with the use of the Oxymizer, which can be particularly beneficial during pulmonary rehabilitation sessions

    george-poulsen replied 1 month, 4 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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