Research Study: OFEV Beneficial for IPF Management
Hello Everyone,
Good news today for those of us using OFEV!
Please see the following research study that has been published on the Pulmonary Fibrosis News homepage regarding the support for use of OFEV in the management of IPF: https://pulmonaryfibrosisnews.com/2018/03/19/ofev-treatment-real-world-data-idiopathic-pulmonary-fibrosis-management/
For other patients taking OFEV, how does this article make you feel?
I am happy (and truthfully, relieved) to see some studies showcasing the benefits of OFEV in the management of IPF. It feels like many studies are focusing on Esbriet and the benefits of this drug as the anti-fibrotic medication to manage IPF. I’m excited to see benefits of OFEV starting to emerge in the literature as well!
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