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  • Staggering Number of Americans Unfamiliar with IPF Symptoms.

    Posted by Charlene Marshall on February 28, 2020 at 11:37 am

    One of the hardest things to accept as a patient living with a rare disease, is just how many people are completely unfamiliar with the condition that affects your life so drastically.  When I share with people that the number of Americans diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) each year compares to that of breast cancer, I regularly get dropped jaws. How can this be when no one has even heard of PF, yet everyone knows what the pink awareness ribbon symbolizes? 

    I’ve written previous forum posts this week in honour of Rare Disease Day, hoping that you will spend some time helping others understand what PF/IPF is on this international day of awareness, which is February 29th this year. Here are some staggering statistics you can share with others in your effort to raise awareness about IPF/PF:

    • 50,000 new cases of PF are diagnosed each year.
    • 86% of Americans do not know the symptoms of PF/IPF.
    • More than 200,000 Americans live with a form of PF every day
    • This disease most often targets people >60, but does not discriminate by age
    • There is currently no cure for IPF/PF, and only 2 FDA approved drugs to slow down the disease progression, however, those drugs come with serious GI-side effects.


    For more information on awareness, and these staggering statistics, please read and share the following news column: Vast Majority of Americans Are Unfamiliar with PF Symptoms, PF Foundation Survey Finds.


    How do you plan on recognizing Rare Disease Day this coming Saturday?

    Charlene Marshall replied 4 years, 10 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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