New drug

  • Alex Marion

    September 14, 2024 at 1:26 pm


    Bi1015550 phase 3 trial ended en August. It looks that they have to gather all the data and satisfy the fda for final approval.

    Apparently, for what I read , it has less side effects of the current drugs, and works at 60% stopping the progression in fact as per data of phase 2.

    Bristol Mayer also in phase 3 with somewhat successful phase 2 for the drugs.

    Many more in phase 2 , but looks like soon some new drug treatments will be approved for ipf as it is needed ASAP.

    The present treatments only work in 40% of the people and some with bad side effects, I think that bi1015550 will be available in 2025/26 .

    All the best

  • Donna Ingalls

    September 18, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    Just realized that the drug number you mentioned in your discussion (BI 101 5550) is the one I’m on in a clinical trial! Don’t think the trial is actually over as I won’t be finished with mine until October. Not sure if I’m on the drug or a placebo, but I’ve lost 20 pounds and have had constant diarrhea (manageable) since I started the trial. Don’t feel too much worse since I started last fall which is promising. So maybe it is working! Not using oxygen but the stairs are tough and I’m breathless walking up hills. I was diagnosed in December 2022. I’ll keep you posted!

  • Alex Marion

    September 18, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    Hi donna:

    Finally someone who is in the trial.

    Is my understanding that ,yes, you may be taking the drug not the placebo, because of the diarrhea, that for what I red, is the commun side effect.

    As per phase 2 that only run for 12 weeks, they finding was fvc not going down, in fact, improve marginally, and spo2 normalized, as per one patien description of his experience.

    Yes, the trial continues till December but, in August ended for ipf , as per the manufacturer says in their website.

    You the only one I have encountered who can share the experience, and if something else you can add, we will be great.

    Thank you.

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