Forum Replies Created

  • Deborah

    February 21, 2022 at 8:25 pm in reply to: Wrestling with the End Stage of Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Hey Doug, ive applied for disability and waiting..but unfortunately i fall into a low income category that doesn’t have health insurance for me. So i wait on the disability decision

  • Deborah

    February 20, 2022 at 7:40 am in reply to: Wrestling with the End Stage of Pulmonary Fibrosis

    I have been diagnosed with emphysema, bronchiectasis and Usual interstitial pneumonitis lung disease..the diagnosis came dec 2021 but ive been sick on and off for years i just didnt know what was wrong..Usually i would get sick every year and stay sick 2-3 months at a time. But this time i got sick in the end of July and it just kept progressing so i pushed for an xray that started the journey to finding out it was my lungs..

    They say mild to moderate and thats like saying theres only a little poop on your kitchen still smells no matter the size and this well outside of the Lord giving me a miracle this will be how i die.

    I havent bounced back as i have before and im more aware of how im feeling and ive retired now and have no health insurance and im on a very limited income..but i need to take time to take care of me and get things in order in my life.

    I have a relationship with Jesus so its not that im afraid to die im more concerned i dont know as this progresses how ill be able to take care of myself, my pets and home. Im praying the Lord takes me before it gets bad but its up to him the timing of my death..

    I dont think im struggling with this yet. The diagnosis is still to new and maybe im adjusting to realizing whats been wrong with my health all these years..

    Sorry for rambling these r just my thoughts on it.

  • Deborah

    February 13, 2022 at 8:02 pm in reply to: Coughing aftr meals

    Yes, i do have gerd..

  • Deborah

    February 13, 2022 at 7:36 am in reply to: Extreme Fatigue

    I am fatigued alot also and wait for the Lord to give me strength! Then i use it all up, because i never know when i will get more..then im zapped of energy for 2 days..

    My way of dealing is if i can get at least 1 thing accomplished each day then im good! That one thing may not seem huge to someone else but i look at it as im making progress like the tortoise and the hare..

    Im learning its ok to go slow, and not feel like im being lazy..because i know when im given strength i use it!! And when i get stuff accomplished its encouragement for those days i dont get as much done and keep that: do at least 1 thing today!!

  • Deborah

    February 13, 2022 at 1:15 am in reply to: Coughing aftr meals

    Yes, i cough and spit up phlegm after i eat. I dont take anything for it i just am learning to live with it.

    Although i should have stock in puffs tissues i go through 4 boxes a month sometimes it seems more than that..

  • Predisone can cause bone loss u will need calcium supplements and it also causes hair loss and also makes your appetite  go through the roof.

    The only advantage I seen when I was on 40 mg a day is I had lots of energy.

  • Deborah

    January 12, 2022 at 12:06 am in reply to: Medicare

    No u must be 65 or older there r only 2 diseases that would automatically  qualify for early Medicare and one is ALS which is Lou gherigs disease.