Pulmonary Fibrosis-linked Genes Targeted by Specific Nanoparticles

Pulmonary Fibrosis-linked Genes Targeted by Specific Nanoparticles

Researchers recently developed new nanoparticles more efficient at delivering in vivo (living) RNA interference (RNAi) for silencing pulmonary fibrosis-associated genes. The study entitled “Self-assembled Micelle Interfering RNA for Effective and Safe Targeting of Dysregulated Genes in Pulmonary Fibrosis” was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. RNAi, a natural…

Skateboarding 45 miles for Pulmonary Fibrosis Research

This is a video from 2011 and it recalls May 1st, when history was made. 15 skateboarders traveled 45 miles to raise money for pulmonary fibrosis research. From Bethesda, to Georgetown, to Rosslyn, to Alexandria, to George Washington’s house, back to Rosslyn. Learn more about pulmonary fibrosis: http://bit.ly/1lfMsiZ…

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Moira’s Story

“In 2013 Moira was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a rare lung disease. Although her lung capacity has decreased, her spirits are still high and after six months of being confined to her home she chose to go out for a coffee on her birthday.” Learn more about…

Lung Transplant: The Recovery

Meet Dr. Daniel Dilling and Karen Pelletiere and watch them talk about different aspects of the recovery from transplant surgery at Loyola University Medical Center. Learn more about lung transplants: http://bit.ly/1SNRT3u…

My Pulmonary Fibrosis Story: Horace Owens

Meet Horace Owens. Horace has pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable lung disease. In this video, he shares his story with you, talks about the disease that his taking his live, how he was diagnosed and how he hopes to get a treatment and a cure for pulmonary fibrosis.  …

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Some Keys Facts

“A short video containing key facts and statistics about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. A disease which is five times more common than cystic fibrosis, however is almost unheard of by the vast majority of the public. Together we can raise awareness for this life-threatening illness.” Learn more about idiopathic…

Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45usWTn8wvo “5 million people worldwide have a form of pulmonary fibrosis; most patients are diagnosed 1 to 12 years after their first symptoms.” Learn more about pulmonary fibrosis: http://bit.ly/1lfMsiZ…

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