Fine Particulate Air Pollutants Raise Risk of Acute IPF Flare-ups

The Pandemic Is Stealing My Already Limited Time

After being diagnosed with a life-threatening lung disease like idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), many patients reluctantly accept that their life span will be shortened. Even if we’re lucky enough to receive a lung transplant, it isn’t a cure, and it essentially swaps the management of one chronic illness for another.

PulmoSIM Launched to Repurpose Medications for Rare Lung Conditions

VeriSIM Life has launched a pharmaceutical subsidiary called PulmoSIM Therapeutics (PulmoSIM) to search for new treatments for rare lung diseases. Using artificial intelligence, PulmoSIM’s goal is to assess which therapies previously approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for certain conditions can be effective for the treatment of…

My Age Prevents Me From Participating in Clinical Trials

Next month is the five-year anniversary of when I first heard the words “idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.” I was diagnosed by a pulmonologist at a local respiratory care center, where I’d finally been referred after 13 months of dealing with persistent shortness of breath, dry cough, and fatigue. I try…

CohBar IDs Peptide to Advance in Testing as Possible IPF Treatment

CohBar has chosen CB5138-3 as its lead treatment candidate for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and other fibrotic diseases, based on its promising safety, efficacy, and drug-like properties in preclinical studies. The company is planning to further test this peptide — a small protein fragment — in early studies…

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