
Always Pay Attention to Your Body’s Signs

Shortly after I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), I was on a walk and spotted a leaf in the shape of a heart. For some reason, the beauty of it struck me. It was a sign; nature had left me a message. I collected the leaf and…

This Year, I’m Making New Memories, Not Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are an annual tradition for many of us. We make promises to ourselves to do something better in the year. But this year, I’ve decided to do something different: Instead of resolutions, I plan to make new memories. Why make resolutions I know I can’t keep? After…

New Adventures Are a Part of the IPF Journey

Last January, I started a column with the following: “’Every day is a new adventure!’ This is often my response when someone asks how I’m doing. It also seems appropriate when looking forward to what 2022 may hold for me.” Coincidentally, as I sat…

What You Can Do to Bring a Season of Hope and Joy

With just a few days remaining before Christmas, not much has changed this year in the search for a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF). Scientists continue to pursue theories searching for a clue that will lead to a cure or even more effective therapies. But even research that does…

Coping With Chronic Illness as Life Throws Me a Curveball

Curveball is a baseball term, but it also can apply to life when something surprising or unexpected happens. It’s been several months since my last column, and in that time, life has thrown me a curveball. I’ve been constantly battling my illness, and so much has happened. I am…