• Posted by Marta Ribeiro on November 28, 2018 at 2:41 pm

    Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin,” mostly because we get it naturally when the sun’s UV rays interact with our skin, which triggers the vitamin’s synthesis. The vitamin helps our body’s absorption of calcium to keep our bones strong and encourage healthy cells to grow.

    Last year, researchers demonstrated the protective effects of vitamin D in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis induced by the chemotherapeutic drug bleomycin.

    Here are a few more health benefits of this versatile vitamin, according to healthline.com:


    1. Fighting Depression

    Studies have found that people with depression are often deficient in vitamin D and that depression gets better after taking a vitamin D supplement.

    2. Fighting Disease

    Recent studies indicate that vitamin D can reduce the risk of major diseases such as multiple sclerosis, heart disease, influenza, diabetes, and many more.

    3. Helps With Weight Loss

    According to research, vitamin D and calcium supplements can aid in weight loss. Research subjects who took the supplements reported more weight loss than subjects who took placebos.

    4. Genes

    It is believed that vitamin D affects over 2,000 genes in the body—which could help protect against cancers.

    5. Muscle Strength

    It’s well known that vitamin D helps keep bones and teeth strong, but now we know that muscle strength can also be affected by this nutrient.

    6. Healthy Pregnancy

    Taking a vitamin D supplement while pregnant could help to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia for the mom, and rickets in the child.

    7. Help the Treatment of Fibrosis

    Vitamin D, often found at low levels in pulmonary fibrosis patients, has been shown to regulate the fibrotic process and be a useful agent in the treatment of fibrosis in different body parts, such as the bones, kidney and liver.

    Did you know about all the benefits that Vitamin D can bring to people living with PF?

    Charlene Marshall replied 5 years, 5 months ago 9 Members · 59 Replies
  • 59 Replies
  • Zoe james

    January 16, 2019 at 6:27 pm

    Vitamin D and A are found in Codliver oil which A is also of great benefit to the lungs.


    • Charlene Marshall

      January 18, 2019 at 8:46 am

      Hi Zoe,

      Thanks for sharing about Codliver oil, I didn’t know it was a good source of vitamin A & D. How do you consume this, and do you buy it online? I’ll need to do look into this and see if it might benefit me 🙂


  • Steve Dragoo

    January 17, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    As we get older it is important to have your doctor check for a D deficiency.  I had been taking a low average dose of D3  for a couple years but recently tripled it to 3000 iu daily after a minor deficiency was discovered.  It is important to take vitamin K2(m7) with D3 so it doesn’t get put in the wrong place.  Happy to share the studies I have looked at a few times over the years…

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 18, 2019 at 8:49 am

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks for sharing and as always, nice to hear from you! How are things going?

      I agree about the importance of checking for vitamin D deficiencies. I am 31, and didn’t have any idea about this until I was told my vitamin D levels were “critically low” last year, when my Rheumatologist discovered this. I joked with her about sending me on vacation somewhere warm and sunny, but she said that wouldn’t even suffice. She has me on a prescription of 50,000 IUs once per week, and I really think it has made a difference. I didn’t know how important this vitamin is, and just chalked it up to good for our skin as it came from the sun but it is so much more than that. Seems lots of other patients on this forum were also vitamin D deficient, which is interesting…

      Thanks again for bringing up this reminder to others!

  • tony grundy

    January 18, 2019 at 12:24 am

    What is th difference between taking D3, with or without vitamin K?? Just wondering as I take D3 but not K.

  • Steve Dragoo

    January 18, 2019 at 5:56 am

    Hi Tony – D3 studies (minor white papers) show that it by itself “may” put calcium in the wrong places – think vascular and organs. K2 with m7 helps move it to the bones where it primarily belongs. A few years ago when I discovered this the dose of K2 was not understood but since that time there are many posts about it being necessary w D3 and recommended doses.

    Dr. Mercola, Dr. Axe and others have info you can read up on. When I first started K2 I took it slow. I take 3000 iu of D3 daily and 200 mcg of K2 w m7. If you have a liver or kidney problem – a lower dose of K2 is probably better.  Also recently read to take D3 separate from K2 as that helps D3 better absorb but not sure about that.

    A few articles:   https://info.dralexrinehart.com/articles/vitamin-d-and-vitamin-k2-benefits-connection  this article is clear about K2


    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/10/19/vitamin-d-vitamin-k2.aspx    – this article states that K2 with m7 has a half-life of 3 days so that tells me taking it with D3 – not separately is probably just fine. I do take other herbs/supplements to help my IPF.

    Hope that helps you. – Steve


  • Steve Dragoo

    January 22, 2019 at 9:37 am

    Hello All,

    I applied for clinical trials in Charlottesville VA – currently reviewing the paperwork.  The clinician stated if their current study doesn’t fit they have another for IPF. So I will check both out.

    Want info about the trials or anything I mention below? Please get in touch.

    I have changed a lot since the official discovery of my supposed IPF death sentence in May 2018, however, it is clear to me I was first affected by it in October 2016.

    What I’ve added:

    D3 w K2m7 (increased dosage recently – been taking a few years) – helpful

    B complex – helpful

    Astragalus – not sure – stopped it today for a few weeks to see

    Serrapeptase – definitely helpful

    Colloidal silver – helpful

    looking at every clinical trial possible

    Pushing 70 in a few months and need to eat healthier more than 70% of the time – need to lose weight

    I’m sharing in part because I know IPF causes other problems and my heart is being affected. So I started taking Amla (Indian Gooseberry) again – 2X daily and see immediate results in BP and lower heart rate. I take other supplements too for a few years because I have a flat pituitary – which means my hormone levels are generally poor otherwise.

    If this helps anybody let me know… SteveD

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 24, 2019 at 1:53 pm

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks again for being so thorough and sharing this information! It might be helpful to post details about the trials you’re investigating, on the off chance someone might want to seek out information on them as well. Kudos to you for having the energy to investigate this, and help others by sharing what you have discovered 🙂

      My heart is also effected by my IPF as well Steve, do you take any medications for this or are you opting to use the Amla? Really interesting that you’ve seen an improvement in your BP and heart-rate. That is really encouraging…

      Take care,

      • Lynn Schmitt

        February 19, 2019 at 6:35 am

        Good morning, Steve and Charlene!
        Did you read on PF news about the studies on Black tea extract? It sounds promising to those of us with fibrosis. Let me know your thoughts on this. It seems Chinese/holistic medicine is getting attention in treating this disease.


      • Charlene Marshall

        February 19, 2019 at 8:29 pm

        Hi Lynn,

        Thanks for reaching out, and yes, I was very intrigued to read the piece about the black tea extract even initially. More studies would certainly be of interest, and then combined with the overall health benefits of green tea, I wonder if they would be dually effective for us? I’m keeping my eye open for any additional studies done or shared. How is this laser therapy protocol going for you Lynn? Glad to hear its the correct dosing and protocol now and wishing you much success with it! Do you think you’ll try Serrapeptase as well? Steve seems to be having really good experiences with it!

        @steve-dragoo, goodluck with your laser therapy tomorrow! Sounds like you found someone closeby who can do it for you now? I hope so!


  • Steve Dragoo

    January 25, 2019 at 9:18 am

    Hi Charlene and all,

    Yes I only take Amla and Q10. I used to take enteric coated baby aspirin but when I started Astragalus and then added Serrapeptase, I slowed down and eventually stopped the aspirin. I try to hit the gym 2x weekly now my PT is over but not always able.  Keep looking at ways to improve my diet because I never saw a Dunkin donuts I didn’t like. Cheese too…

    Several years ago after walking 12 kilometers w a friend he asked what I was doing next. My answer? Going to Dunkin donuts – he had a shocked look on his face so I simply explained I had to replace those calories I just dropped somehow…

    So diet is a work in progress but I value it far over medication.  For example, I started eating a stalk or two of celery at dinner every evening and put away antacids and Tagamet. Stomach feels better almost always.

    More on the clinical trial potentials later today.

    Take care, stay well… – SteveD

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 26, 2019 at 2:57 pm

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks so much for your reply and providing us with this information that helps your heart. I will check out the link you private messaged me as well about the Amla off Amazon, as I have an order I need to place on Amazon this weekend anyways! What exercises do you do at the gym now that your PT is over? I have a treadmill downstairs and find that so tiring. I can do it, and maintain my oxygen levels, however, I might as well discount the rest of the day because I am so tired afterwards. I wonder if it would be the same on a recumbent bike or something similar? I could likely buy one of those used and relatively cheap.

      LOL, your comment about Dunkin Donuts after your walk made me laugh! It was like your reward 🙂

      Diet is something I struggled with this week, as I had an unusual bout of fatigue and I lost my appetite completely and was dealing with sporadic nausea. It was strange. Thankfully, today I am feeling quite a bit better but I am also doing an intermittent fast (IF)/cleanse to try and reset my system a bit. I’ve done it before and it really helps me feel better, kind of like a bubble bath from the inside out. Glad you’re working on it, I know food can be so medicinal for us and can often eliminate different medications for us too. Hopefully this IF helps me, I usually enjoy cooking and trying different kinds of healthy recipies. Tomorrow I am going to try making avocado chips with parmesan cheese! 🙂

      Chat with you soon,

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 19, 2019 at 7:14 am

      @Lynn-Schmitt Hi Lynn – yes I read it and looked briefly for black tea extract.  I am not sure of the potency needed so need another look or two before considering it.  Also, there is some evidence green tea helps too so maybe combined they become a powerhouse.

      I continue to have good success with serrapeptase and will slowly increase the dosage, also start laser therapy tomorrow!

      Take care – Steve

  • Steve Dragoo

    January 26, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    Hi Charlene – I forgot to mention I give credit to Amla for increasing my O2 by 3 or 4 points on average.  That is significant. – Steve

    • Steve Dragoo

      January 26, 2019 at 4:16 pm

      Hi Charlene – At the gym, I start w a recumbent bike (I like it) for about 15 minutes then upper body and arms at a universal and cable – not free weights.  Usually only do two sets of all exercises but go 20 reps. Then leg, thigh, calf crunches – all about 40 – 45 minutes. PT had a cardio hand/arm bike that I really liked as it got the whole upper body.  I am tired and slowed down some most of the day but hope to get better at going and increase the time. Years ago I would work out 3.5 hours, ride a stationary bike ten miles and finish with a four-mile run.  Sadly there was no Dunkin Donuts close…

      Yes, diet is the real cure. Hope you saw that celery really helps my stomach and I forgot to note that the Amla increase my O2 readings 3 – 4 points.  That’s a big one. If you get it start slow once a day and 1/3 to 1/2 of the scoop included (1 tsp).

      Please see if you can post my early morning post here as it included the clinicals’ and a bunch of stuff.  I am definitely researching what John said about LLLT and reached out to Dr. Hall and they responded already.  So I’ll post if relevant later on.  Stay fresh – Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        January 27, 2019 at 9:02 am

        Oh my goodness Steve – that still sounds like quite the workout, especially for someone with a lung disease! Kudos to you! I think I am going to consider getting myself a recumbent bike for the basement – I could even watch a TV show on my iPad while I bike. I suppose I could do this walking too but that seems to really tire me out of the whole day. If you can do it, I can … thanks for the inspiration!

        I eat lots of celery so I did take special note when you mentioned it in a previous post 🙂 I’ll definitely connect if I get the Amla, but I am thinking of trying it.

        Great news that Dr. Hall has responded already! Was it more of an inquiry into where there might be LLLT near you or whether they could recommend someone? Sounds like they’re pretty prompt which is nice. Keep me posted!

    • Lynn Schmitt

      February 19, 2019 at 8:29 am

      Steve, I just ordered my K2M7. Here’s hoping it works! I, too, am a little leery of black tea extract until more studies or exact, safe dosage is clear. I am doing my laser treatments with the correct protocol this time. Second one is today. Good luck!


    • Jerry Beeler

      February 19, 2019 at 12:15 pm


      Hi this is Jerry.  Could I ask what dosage of Serrapeptase you are taking?  Also has your pulmonologist approved this or are you taking this outside of your normal medical treatment?

  • Steve Dragoo

    January 26, 2019 at 4:18 pm

    The avocado chips sound good.  I follow this Youtuber and they like kale chips – haven’t tried yet but fresh kale is a good superfood. – Steve

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 27, 2019 at 9:04 am

      Hey Steve,

      I’ll check it out, I do like kale too! I’m really onto this kick of making my own crackers right now as snacks… last week I made my own cheese puffs, simply with cheese, an egg and then onion/garlic powder. They were really good and I liked that it was low-carb and minimal ingredients. I am looking forward to trying the avocado crisps today. I’ll report back to see how they turned out!


    • Steve Dragoo

      February 19, 2019 at 11:44 am

      Hi Lynn,

      How much D3 are you taking?  After reading the post yesterday about D3 deficiency may be a contributor to IPF, I will most likely increase mine to 4000 iu – currently taking 3000 iu daily.

      Just did the 6-minute walk test and my O2 stayed over 90 and recovered to 94 in seconds, 96 after 20 seconds. That’s several points better than a few months ago. I credit serrapeptase, increased D3 from 2000 to 3000, and a good B complex for the improvement.

      Agree about black tea extract but I do enjoy green tea sometimes.

      Health to you – Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 19, 2019 at 8:24 pm

        Hi @steve-dragoo,

        Wow, that is great news about your results from the 6-minute walk test, good for you! I’m really glad your levels recovered so quickly. Are you noticing a difference in how you feel as well? I see my Rhuematologist on Thursday and will be asking about the correlation between vitamin D and IPF, and seeing if he prescribes the 50,000 IU again supplement, once per week. Seems like a lot doesn’t it? Maybe not if it is only taken once per week. I’m really curious to hear his thoughts on the subject.

        Chat soon and hope you’re doing well!

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 19, 2019 at 12:39 pm

      Jerry – I stumbled across serrapeptase (I don’t remember how it may have been through WEI institute) and no doctor will have a recommendation on dosage unless they are homeopathic or preventive medicine trained.  Started with 120,000su per day in 2 separate doses. Now taking 240,000su and will double that soon.  I look at serrapeptase and other potential helps I will take as risk-free. If I do nothing I will die sooner if I do something and it helps I will presumedly die later.

      There is a fair amount of research on it but once you understand what it does, it seems like a win, win at least for me it has been. – Steve

      • Jerry Beeler

        February 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm

        Thanks Steve.  Well I missed the mark then.  I manage a drug store with a large health food and supplement/herbal department.  I bought a 10 mg bottle of serrapeptase yesterday.  Thats less than 20% of your dosage.  You have triggered my interest and I need to do my homework.

      • Steve Dragoo

        February 19, 2019 at 9:29 pm

        @Charlene-Marshall Hi Charlene – I like the results but my heart rate was high so I asked the cardiologist about calcium test and they want to do the overused stress test.  There are a lot of components to blood work regarding the CV system.  One doctor I follow on YouTube reveals his own results and talks about Apo levels of which there are several, his name is Ford Brewer MD MPH.   They seem to be more useful than running on a treadmill.  These add into the high dosage of D3 you are taking but with the diminishing capacities typically associated with IPF and weighing the balances, 50000 IU of D3 may be what’s needed.

        I am considering increasing to 4000 IU daily but I also take 200 mcg of K2m7 with it. I’m not convinced that is the right answer but there isn’t enough data I can find to cause concern with my supplement regime or to change it at this time other than it appears safe to increase D3. My blood work a few weeks ago showed in the low end of the range of normal for D but that was an improvement from 6 months prior when I had a deficiency.

        The laser therapy is still a long round trip but since I am delayed in returning to the Philippines, I figured I better get started.  I also want to see how it enhances my increasing use of serrapeptase.

        If my stress test comes back with a problem I will avoid statins and consider adding nattokinase as a blood thinner. Problem is I think I am developing atrial fibrillation primarily due to IPF – that could cause a clot easier than any other problem I have.

        Hope this makes sense as it is late here and my brain works better in the morning. LOL

        Is it spring yet? We are due some severe weather with ice but as the French say c’est la vie…

        Stay well friend – Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 20, 2019 at 8:33 pm

        Thanks for getting back to me regarding this Steve! First, how did laser therapy go for you today? You may have replied in a different thread that I just haven’t seen yet (working my way through 98 emails) but I was thinking of you and hopeful that it went well!

        I see my Rheumatologist tomorrow so I am really eager to hear her thoughts on my D3 supplement, and whether she will lower the dose or remain status quo after I show her the article about vitamin D deficiency and IPF. Should be an interesting discussion, and I am curious to hear from others if they bring up the topic as well with their physicians.

        Gosh – will you connect with your cardiologist about the AFib? I know that can be really serious, but of course can develop as a side effect of IPF due to our heart and lung overworking, essentially. I agree with you – my brain works better in the morning too, so apologies in advance if this reply is all over the place 🙂

        I’ll check out the MD on Youtube that you mentioned as well – you have so much knowledge, and I am very grateful that you’re willing to share that with us! Looking forward to hearing how laser therapy went, I’ll read ahead in emails now to see if you provided an update to a thread I just haven’t gotten to yet.

        Hope you’re safe and sound from the ice – we’re due for another dumping tonight too. Hoping my drive in the morning on icy roads isn’t too bad! Spring will be here soon.

        Chat with you soon,


      • Steve Dragoo

        February 21, 2019 at 9:37 am

        Hey Jerry – make sure serrapeptase is measured in SU’s… – Steve

    • Steve Dragoo

      June 11, 2019 at 11:55 pm


      Hi Jerry – don’t think I ever answered you about the K2m7 – I take 200 mcg per day and recently reduced my D3 from 3000 iu to 2000 iu. serrapeptase is a winner, so are nattokinese, B vitamin complex, class 4 laser and Wei Laboratories herbs.  Of course also diet, water, exercise, faith, and research… Steve

  • Steve Dragoo

    January 27, 2019 at 10:03 am

    Hi Charlene,

    I’ll post about Dr. Hall on the “laser” thread and anywhere else you want me to. Please let me know what you want.

    The long work out half my life ago (I stilled worked construction too) – they hated to see me get on the incline board as I would do 1000 sit-ups non-stop.  I bench pressed 380 lbs and only stopped there because that’s all the weight it could hold.

    Today??? I can press 3.80 donuts to my lips and easily WATCH someone do a 1000 sit-ups, especially if I need my 2nd or 3rd nap for the day… Steve

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 27, 2019 at 3:40 pm

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks so much for your reply, hopefully you’re enjoying a quiet Sunday. I sure have been, with no intention of going outside until I have to tomorrow. It’s so cold here!

      Sure, posting about the laser therapy on the thread for it sounds great. This way it gives folks a chance to read it and connect with you or John who might be interested. I’m glad they got back to you so quickly following your inquiry.

      Thanks for the chuckle about your workout routine previous and current – I laughed out loud when I read the bottom paragraph. You haven’t lost a sense of humour, which is so important 🙂


    • Steve Dragoo

      February 19, 2019 at 7:22 pm

      Hi Jerry – the first time I was concerned about dosage because if it isn’t taken properly it can have a detox effect so I started with 80000 SU pills but took them every 16 hours for a week and then ramped up.  So look over the research and see what works for you.  – Steve

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 20, 2019 at 9:12 pm

      @Charlene-Marshall Hi Charlene,

      I think I will use the salutation of your member name so you can find comments and responses better. Yes, I will get a stress test. The cardiologist’s nurse explained some additional benefits of it so I want to go do it soon. My Veteran’s medical system includes a secure email system so we have communicated through it about getting it set up. They will call me soon to schedule it.

      I just woke from a very deep nap of 3 hours.  My wife was worried because we talk at 9 AM her time and she couldn’t reach me until 10:20. Maybe my laser therapy caused me to rest so deeply??? Anyway, it went very well – a good doctor who had to handle his office by himself today due to inclement weather here. I also give the treatment today credit for my O2 staying over 95 when I usually have briefs deeps below it and my pulse is several BPM lower too.  Shortly after the treatment, my ribs hurt for a few minutes on both sides front only but that’s it.  Also seemed to function better without running out of breath much – hopefully this isn’t the placebo effect.  – I go again Friday!

      Because I had a good 6-minute walk test yesterday, my O2 prescription is being changed. So I will know what that means tomorrow. I credit serrapeptase with that. By no means do I feel like a normal functioning 70-year-old but these are rather dramatic results in a short time. Also, I figured I would have coughing or mucus after the laser this morning so I took an extra serrapeptase just before I went into the doctor’s office this morning. – Nope, none – just a busy productive day. – Looking forward to Friday!

      I hope your fingers don’t wear out after you respond to 98 emails!!! Years ago a company I worked for had both voice and cursive interpretation capabilities seems that would be pretty useful for you about now.

      I hope you will get the answers you need at your doctor tomorrow because I think there is a pattern emerging here. D3 + serrapeptase + class IV laser = higher quality life.

      I think I will have to use one of those vacations I get for almost free soon with my sweetheart…

      Health and wealth friend… – Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 21, 2019 at 7:41 pm

        That is always helpful @steve-dragoo, thank you for doing that. I’d hate to miss replying to a post on someone accidentally 🙂

        I’m curious to hear what you think about the stress test. It sounds like you haven’t had one before? I struggle with them but I think it is more due to the anxiety of what is required, and fear of losing my breath as opposed to physically being unable to complete one. I’m glad you’re working with the cardiology team to get one scheduled.

        Wow, I’m really glad to hear your first laser therapy session went well. Hopefully it did contribute to a deep sleep as well, that would be a welcomed (albeit, unexpected) side effect for me! Sorry your wife was worried though. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the positive effects of it weren’t a placebo, and hope tomorrow goes just as well, and the positive steps forward continue for you! Please circle back and let me know how it goes if you think of it.

        Yes, a voice command or talk-to-text app would be good for me right about now. I was able to get all caught up yesterday to my “to-do” list wasn’t too bad tonight. I think I might actually shut off the electronics and watch a TV show in an hour or so, which I never do! Just feeling like a bit of time to relax 🙂

        Yes, you absolutely should use one of those vacations with your wife soon. I completely am in support of that! Where would you go?

        Talk to you soon,

  • Steve Dragoo

    January 27, 2019 at 3:41 pm

    Hey Charlene –  like your foodstuff.  We have some ladies at my church make a cashew cheese (many recipes) it is pretty tasty. I have a couple of creaker recipes I need to try some one day.  Nothing I see on the grocery shelves seems totally safe anymore…Steve

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 21, 2019 at 8:37 pm

      @Charlene-Marshall Hi Charlene – I have had two stress tests years ago nothing since IPF onset.  What I wanted the doctor to do is CAC test and APO because calcium has two measurables: volume and density.  More doctors are thinking don’t remove calcium alone as it could free plaque or a clot. The best treatment is fasting and raw vegan diet – working on it and decided to add nattokinase because it is a safer better blood thinner than aspirin, which I took for many years. It will help A-fib.

      Yes, indeed I am looking forward to the next laser treatment and will have a very busy day tomorrow starting at the gym at 7 am.

      If you have the latest MSN Office suite, it has dictation in word. I haven’t tried it but see the microphone there are on the far right whenever I open word.

      I gave us 7 days and nights on the beautiful island of Pucket Thailand. We pay airfare but the hotel and food cost about $20 per day. So about $140 bucks for a 4 or 5-star hotel including food not bad. Did you select a hotel room yet for your next journey through the gift card? Also, do you want a complimentary vacay?  Bunch of places to chose from…

      Peace – Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 22, 2019 at 9:34 am


        You continue to impress me with your energy levels, and hope your gym session this morning went well. Kudos to you!

        Thanks for the update about the stress test, and the calcium measurements. Is your doctor receptive to ordering these two tests for you? I’ve not heard of them before, and wonder if this is something more of us should be asking our doctors about (the CAC and APO test). I have a totally random question for you: what are your thoughts on the keto diet? I’m debating starting a forum discussion on this, because I suspect it will blow up since it is such a “trendy” topic at the moment. Any thoughts?

        Oh – I forgot to tell you: I did use the voucher, and it gave me a $122 savings on the hotel I booked in Quebec City. I can’t wait to go there, and am so thankful for the savings the coupon gave me. I also have a balance remaining so I am hoping to apply it to Hawaii if I can get there. Starting March 1st, I am going to focus hard on saving for that vacation as I want something to work towards and want nothing more than to be by the ocean!

        Thailand would be incredible, did you enjoy it (or do you mean, this is where you’re choosing to go with your wife soon)? My friend is going next month, he leaves one month today and I am so excited for him, but jealous too! Gosh I wish I could travel more!!!

        Talk to you soon, looking forward to hearing about your day!

  • Charlene Marshall

    January 27, 2019 at 3:43 pm

    Hey Steve,

    Oh that sounds tasty, not something I’ve ever tried before! This would be especially helpful for those intolerant of dairy. This past spring (April 2018) I spent some time on Salt Spring Island, which is in British Columbia and tried vegan soft cheese. I never thought I’d like it, but it was so good and I purchased some at the  market as the vendors made it in their home/on their farm. I’d never been so glad to be flying domestic so I could bring the cheese and wine I bought on the plane home with me!

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 22, 2019 at 11:54 am

      @Charlene-Marshall Hi – the stress test will be taking active scans f my heart so it will show any calcium deposits.  What I am learning is CAC ratio is an important indicator of potential future events and if I have calcium I will ask again for those tests.

      I don’t know a lot about the keto diet but ketosis is useful for diabetics. We don’t need much protein and should instead get most of our nutrition from raw fruit and vegetables with intermittent fasting. But ask me if I do these things? Not enough but working on it.

      I am glad for you using the voucher. I can send another one if you want.  Unfortunately, Hawaii is not on the complimentary vacay list yet but maybe someday, several places in Mexico are, however.  We will go to Thailand after I return to the Philippines as the Philippines has some unusual requirements regarding how long I can stay. I can stay 30 days without a visa but when we leave and return as husband and wife I get a special stamp on my passport and can stay 1 year.

      Talk soon… – Steve


      • Charlene Marshall

        February 22, 2019 at 8:00 pm

        Hi Steve,

        So interesting how such a “small” thing can be so impactful, such as calcium deposits showing up. I never cease to be amazed at all the knowledge you have and different things you know. Now I am curious to know if my doctor will test for calcium deposits as well for me if I asked. Do you think this is common for people to ask about or advocate for?

        Yes I’ve heard a lot about the keto diet recently, especially as a rapid weight loss solution as of course your body is burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. When my friend was talking to me about it and told me how much fat she consumes (even if it is good fats) I was kind of stunned – I can’t imagine this being good for our hearts? However, it is working, she has lost a lot of weight even in two weeks and says she feels a lot better energy wise. It seems very trendy right now, but I think I need to learn more about it. I know the general concept, but don’t think I could sustain it….

        Thailand sounds absolutely amazing, that will be a great trip! Which month(s) do you think you’ll get there this year Steve? I’m so excited for you! I feel a bit guilty accepting another voucher from you, although I’d use it, I don’t want to take any opportunity for you to use it. I am looking at a few weekend trips away coming up, hopefully on either the west or east coast of Canada. I know it will be too chilly to swim by the ocean, but I became really “homesick” for the ocean today… I feel so at peace and calm by the sea, that I think it’ll do me wonders to go back even for a short time. Let me know your thoughts, but please ensure sharing anything with me doesn’t jeopardize opportunities for you.

        Talk to you soon my friend,

  • Jerry Beeler

    February 18, 2019 at 6:56 pm

    This may be off topic but forgive me I am new here.  I am wondering how many of you owned birds in your lifetime?

    • Charlene Marshall

      February 18, 2019 at 7:10 pm

      Hi @jerbeetwo,

      Thanks so much for your post – glad you’re here, and this is a good question! I personally don’t have any experience with owning birds, but I’m sure others on this site might. I would imagine folks will get back to you with any personal experiences they have as soon as possible. Sorry I can’t be of more help! Looking forward to getting to know you a bit more throughout the use of the site ?


    • Steve Dragoo

      February 21, 2019 at 8:39 pm

      @Charlene-Marshall – please remind me to post a cashew recipe or two in a few days.  I lost a bunch of folders on this laptop a few days ago but keep them backed up however it takes several days to get these big files back from the cloud…

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 22, 2019 at 8:33 pm

      @Charlene-Marshall Hi Charlene – If it wasn’t for YouTube and Google search I wouldn’t know anything.  Hahahaha .

      The calcium test has been around a while but most think it is inferior to the old stress test and CT scan combo. Some of the recent heart info I have mentioned has come from Ford Brewer MD MPH. He talks about different heart tests and his website gives insight on specifics for those different tests and protocols too. In the US Navy, I worked in cardiology and have two family members as doctors and some nurses/PT too so that probably gives me a little bit of an inside track.

      Regarding keto – fat will accumulate and glob together eventually and thus a stroke or heart attack is potentially born. When I moved to the Philippines 3 years ago, I knew I would lose a lot of weight and did – fast but my body simply could not get rid of the oil fast enough so for about 3 weeks or so my feet swelled up. Went to the doc and he wanted to put me on a diuretic but I figured out the problem and it went away naturally as it was not pulmonary edema. There are health benefits to top olive oils but not as a food staple.  Same for coconut oil but most see the medium chain triglycerides and think bads news for the heart – I don’t think so.

      The hotel certificates are free to me and are typically used as promo or incentives to capture new clients.  I get you one on Saturday night.  Enjoy – Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 23, 2019 at 8:42 am

        Hi Steve,

        Thanks for getting back to me on this, and I agree: thank goodness for YouTube and Google! Information right at our fingertips these days…

        Glad you’re so knowledgeable about your heart, and body needs overall. The self-advocacy piece is so important for all of us, and it sounds like you have a solid knowledge base as well from your previous Navy experience, along with fellow friends and family members. That’s great!

        I think the same as you regarding Keto and the fat build-up. The minute I mention it to my friends who are doing it though, its like I am “attacked” because I’m criticizing the diet that is working well for them. They tell me good fats won’t do that, and they’re better than carbs and sugar. While the latter is probably true, even too much good fats can’t be healthy. It works for rapid weight loss by the sounds of it, but I worry about sustaining the diet and then of course, the long term effects too. I haven’t been considering it for me seriously, just curious to know others’ thoughts on it especially with the hype around it right now and how trendy it seems to be. Thanks for discussing it with me.

        Chat soon and I hope you have a nice weekend!


  • Charlene Marshall

    February 22, 2019 at 9:36 am

    No problem Steve, I will remind you for sure. I really enjoy cashews so learning new recipes would be great! Looking forward to it. Gosh, I could use your brilliance when it comes to storing things in the cloud. Do you use iCloud? I think I need to purchase more storage as I realized last night that I had 2000 photos on my phone and probably haven’t backed up in a few months. Maybe I should just back up to my Macbook? Sorry, maybe a discussion for another topic thread 🙂
    Talk to you soon,

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 23, 2019 at 2:33 pm

      Hi Charlene – if the keto diet was safe I would live on “good cheese” but all oil will coalesce.  By their response, you will know their hearts and it seems to defend anything that is unknown long term is emotionally caught up.

      Stay well – our number one challenge… Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 24, 2019 at 4:24 pm

        Hi Steve,

        I completely agree – I now refrain from even bringing up the potential long-term issues from Keto, or even some of the other stuff I’ve read about it, because they swear by this diet and the responses are just too difficult to deal with. I’m glad it is working for them, but I just hope they don’t run into issues. On top of all the fat (even good fats) likely not being good for your heart, I also just read about the keto diet being terrible on your kidneys and causing gallstones! Unbelievable…

        Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me regarding this. I know it isn’t all bad, and that for some, the keto diet may be ideal and work really successfully for them; I just always like to educate myself as much as possible and there are some precautions to be aware of when it comes to keto for sure.

        Take care,

  • Steve Dragoo

    February 22, 2019 at 11:57 am

    @Charlene-Marshall Hi – I use Carbonite for cloud storage. It is subscription based but does automatic backups and I can retrieve a file or all anytime.  Cost about $60 per year so that’s pretty cheap insurance. Peace – Steve

    • Steve Dragoo

      February 24, 2019 at 4:46 pm

      @Charlele-Marshall Hi Charlene – our birth certificates should have a warning label on them, “Caution – the footsteps  you take now and in the future frequently will land you in the twilight zone and your brain will lead the way.” – peace Steve

      • Charlene Marshall

        February 25, 2019 at 8:16 am

        Isn’t that the truth! Thanks for sharing Steve, gave me a chuckle on this cold, blustery Monday morning. Back to pouring myself some more coffee…

        Enjoy your day 🙂

  • Charlene Marshall

    February 22, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    Hi Steve,

    Oh interesting – I’ve never heard of Carbonite for cloud storage. I’ll have to look into it, as I like the pricing better than the Apple iCloud fees. Plus, it likely gives you more storage as well. How many GB of storage do you get for that price? Do you know if it is compatible with both mobile and desktop devices, either Android or Apple products? Sorry for all the questions!

    Talk to you soon,

  • Steve Dragoo

    February 22, 2019 at 8:11 pm

    @Charlene-Marshall Hi There – Carbonite has a mobile version too but I think they charge separately for it.  If you sync your systems together then maybe you have access to your desktop on your phone.  My droid pics/vids automatically go to the cloud so I don’t need Carbonite on it.  Not sure how much storage on the basic plan but I have about 110GB backed up w them now and the hard drive is a terra bite. Thanks – Steve

  • Charlene Marshall

    February 23, 2019 at 8:35 am

    Wow @steve-dragoo, 110GB? That is excellent storage for that price! Good information to know for sure, I am most interested in backing up the photos on my phone as I am pretty trusting of the auto-back up on my Macbook. I’ll look into this, as I like the price and amount of storage compared to the Apple iCloud. I try not to take so many photos, or clear some out when I think of it but somehow they pile up so quickly…

    Talk to you soon,

  • Marianne

    June 8, 2019 at 8:03 pm

    Hi all –

    A few years ago my Vitamin D level was so low that my primary care doctor put me on 5,000 Units per day for 6 weeks.  I current take Vitamin D2 – 2000 – 2 tabs a day.  My blood work shows that my Vit D levels are in a good range.

    Low Vitamin D levels also sometimes indicate make person more likely to become prediabetic or Type 2 diabetes.



  • Steve Dragoo

    June 8, 2019 at 10:01 pm


    Hi Marianne,

    I have been taking D3 for a few years with good success. After studying up on it I added a good from of K2 (K2m7) to help put the calcium in the right place primarily the bones.  It’s good D2 worked for you as it typically doesn’t work as well as D3.


  • Marianne

    June 9, 2019 at 1:04 pm

    Steve –

    I must have had brain fog yesterday.  I take D3 2000  x 2 tablets every morning.  Will look into adding K2 (K2m7).  Thanks for the suggestion.



  • Steve Dragoo

    June 9, 2019 at 5:44 pm


    K2 has become more important as its’ effectiveness is better understood.  If you do a google search you will find several articles about the importance of K2m7 with D3. Several years ago it was not well known, today much more so.


  • Boyd Smith

    August 4, 2019 at 7:02 pm

    Worth sharing indeed, Research suggests that vitamin D could play a role in the prevention and treatment of a number of different conditions, including type1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis.

  • Charlene Marshall

    August 6, 2019 at 6:46 pm

    Hi Boyd,

    Thanks for your reply – isn’t it interesting how much Vitamin D is in the literature now when it comes to things like (as you say) prevention and treatment for a number of different conditions? I never thought how necessary a vitamin could be to our bodies, but after I posted some of the comments about how I’ve needed a prescription vitamin D due to deficiency, lots of others are mentioning that as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I’m hopeful more people will consider having their vitamin D levels checked.

    Take care,

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