• Posted by Charlene Marshall on January 24, 2019 at 9:40 pm

    Please excuse that I’ve been missing in action (MIA) the last few days when it comes to forum content being posted and replies. Per the topic I’m about to ask you all about; I’ve been feeling incredibly exhausted the last few days and felt a need to let my mind and body rest.

    Since I’ve been living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) for nearly three years ago, I’ve become accustomed to the fatigue that chronic under-oxygenation can cause, both physically and mentally. A typical response for me to the all-too-common question of how are you is now: “tired, but okay”. However, the last few days I’ve felt unusually tired, and nothing seems to be able to rid the fatigue that I am fighting. Nothing else feels abnormal with me at the moment: regular appetite, no fever or sign of a bacterial/viral infection, and no changes in my mood or desire to do things. Just plain and simple: I’m tired and want to rest.

    Do you ever go through periods like this, where your body basically gives you no choice but to give it the rest it needs?

    If so, how often does this happen for you and is it precipitated by anything?

    I don’t recall having an abnormally busy week or late nights, and I think I am sleeping well during the night. I am just tired, and I am trying to push through but finding it nearly impossible. I am hoping it goes away soon, as I know how to deal with the normal fatigue related to my disease, but this seems extreme. Any ideas as to why I might be experiencing this, especially if I have no indication that I am getting sick with a cold/flu virus?

    How do you combat or push through IPF-related fatigue when you need to?

    Charlene Marshall replied 5 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • paula

    January 25, 2019 at 9:52 am

    Hi Charlene

    Yes I too deal with the fatigue. Amazing you can be sitting there one moment fine and dandy and then all the sudden you are falling asleep, yawning to no end (trying to reassure the person your talking to that they really are not boring you)

    For me the weather is the worse in causing the fatigue. Feeling trapped indoors. Lately I have been going to the gym. I ride the bike. I am up to 20 minutes. Easy pace. Even with my oxygen my sats drop down to 83 but I push forward. Thankfully my numbers still rebound quickly. Today is my first meeting at Weight Watchers to see if I can jump start my weight loss, which had been doing great but now I am at a standstill and if I want to make the transplant list I need to lose more weight.

    Its rare when I get a good night sleep, so it is not uncommon for me to go back to bed after my husband leaves for work and I take an hour nap. Then I am pretty much good to go until after 2 PM but I push forward.

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 26, 2019 at 3:17 pm

      Hi Paula,

      So great to hear from you, as always! I know many people share the experience of crippling fatigue with me, so I felt a bit silly posting about it originally. However, my experience with it this past week was really unusual so I appreciate any/all feedback and sharing about this topic.

      I can completely relate to the sudden exhaustion that can seemingly hit you out of no where! Its quite frustrating, isn’t it? I often tell people its just my lack of sleep or chronic under-oxygenation when I yawn in their face, but I’m not always convinced that they believe me. Like you, the weather effects me too and it has been terribly cold out lately with not a lot of sun. I am a sun-worshipper so that is probably contributing to the fatigue too!

      Hope your first WW meeting went well and that your weekend has been good thus far. Typically when you nap, do you set an alarm or just let you sleep however long you need until you wake up? I am always skeptical about napping because I don’t want to disrupt my sleep during the night. I am yawning as I say this, and it is Saturday so maybe I should just lay down for a quick nap!

      Take care,

  • Sue Schofield

    January 25, 2019 at 6:07 pm

    I, too, have variable fatigue with my IPF. It seems as if it gets worse whenever there is a drop in the barometric pressure – which is often associated with increased humidity. They both have negative effects on me. I watch the weather religiously and when I notice the pressure dropping, I slow down and postpone any major activities (such as they are!) to conserve what energy I have.

    • Charlene Marshall

      January 26, 2019 at 3:20 pm

      Hi Sue,

      Thanks so much for jumping in and sharing a bit of your experience about this topic. Actually, your experience with increased fatigue when the barometric pressure makes a lot of sense and could have been part of my issue this week! Monday the temperature was -34 celsius (we were in a “deep freeze” for a few days) and by Wednesday it was +5, and now its back to the negative 20s. Surely this would effect me somehow, probably! Maybe it was just the weather, as I have no other symptoms (thankfully!) indicating that anything else is going on. I think I’ll give into it today since it is Saturday and I am allowed to nap, right? 🙂

      Take care and thanks again for sharing.

  • Chuck Harrison

    January 31, 2019 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Charlene ,

    there is plenty for me to respond on within the forum , but it will have to wait some . Right now at this moment fatigue is hampering my joining many of the topics . I’m very tired , not feeling my happy self , and I feel like I’m losing ground . Love going back and forth with you , but for now I’m over and out !

    Your friend

    Chuck ,

    hope all is well


    • Charlene Marshall

      February 3, 2019 at 11:46 am

      Hi Chuck,

      Thanks so much for writing even though it sounds like you’re having a bit of a tough time at the moment. Sorry for the delay in responding, I ended up with a pretty bad head cold that I am still fighting so I wonder if that is why I was so effected by fatigue last week. Do you feel any better yet? I hope you aren’t coming down with something. Hang in there and I hope to hear that you’re back to your wonderful self soon. Looking forward to hearing from you when you feel up to it, my friend.

      Charlene. 🙂

  • Steve Dragoo

    February 1, 2019 at 9:11 am

    Hi Charlene – The last few days I have felt more tired than ever before. O2 seems to be good but I try to do stuff and run out of wind too fast and my heart rate jumps up too fast. Being on my own and the hundred things I must do in moving to storage and going across the big pond, does not leave me any time for rest but I must. So I put off the gym and a few articles this week – not really useful but necessary. Looking forward to starting laser therapy after my first consult next Wednesday.  – Steve

    • Charlene Marshall

      February 3, 2019 at 11:44 am

      Hi Steve,

      So sorry to hear you’re experiencing this as well! Has it subsided for you at all yet? My 02 seems to be good as well, but now I think I know why I might have been so tired over the last two weeks. I woke up with a terrible cold on Friday morning, its so thick in my sinuses and only now starting to break up a bit where I can cough and blow my nose. Sorry if thats too much information! Its not in my chest yet, and I am anxiously hoping that it doesn’t move down into my chest/lungs, but I wonder if maybe that is why I was so tired. I’ve upped the vitamin C and some blends of immune-strengthening oils, plus I am trying to rest as much as I can. The weather change here has also been drastic, which tends to make people sick too. It was -35 last week, as you know from when I was stuck inside and today it is +8. Isn’t that crazy?

      I hope you’re feeling a bit better! Goodluck with your Wednesday consult with laser therapy, I can’t wait to hear how it goes and so glad you got in so quick.

      Take care,

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