Returning to Work with a New Diagnosis
Many of us have had to make changes in our professional lives in the past few years. Whether due to the pandemic, a new diagnosis, or the progression of PF, most of us can relate to the need to suddenly adjust our career goals or work routine.
In this column by Ann Reynoso, we get a glimpse into the life of someone who is taking charge and returning to work after her diagnosis. Ann quit her job as a professor when she started to become more ill with complex IPF. Several years ago, she was in the throes of finding a diagnosis, and then the pandemic hit. Now that her life has leveled out some, she is ready to reclaim part of what her illness took from her. She is going to start working again at a local college this fall. Her perseverance comes in part because of her diagnosis–she has a new perspective on life and wants to show her students that she can still live her life with IPF.
Have you had to quit or make changes to your professional life due to PF/IPF? Have you been able to, or do you even want to return to work? What feelings come up when you think about work and your illness?
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