• 51 days of ofev

    Posted by M-14 on October 10, 2024 at 7:17 am

    I saw my doctor today. We discussed my latest fvc test, blood test and ofev tolerance. FVC low 40%, blood work, confusing. He suggests I put my advanced directive in order and hugged me. I like my doctor. He has compassion and I find that a very good thing for me. My niece is the dean of nursing at a major school. I’m going to ask her to put compassion in her curriculum. I told him about this forum and he knew about it. He’s leaving me on 100mg ofev. He didn’t want to raise me to 150, didn’t want to do that to me. It’s a beautiful morning, coming into fall.

    John replied 2 weeks, 5 days ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Maria Donihoo

    October 10, 2024 at 3:09 pm


    I will be praying for you and your family!

    I was diagnosed with IPF in 2021 and I had a biopsy done two years ago. My doctor put me on OFEV and my body couldn’t tolerate it, so I told the doctor I wasn’t going to take it anymore. I took the OFEV for only one week. I was overweight so last year (August) I started a Carnivore diet and lost 50 pounds. I feel pretty good on this diet, so I’m not going to quit! I just had an appointment today with my Pulmonologist to go over my last test. My doctor said the I’m doing so much better even than last year! He told me my breathing is better and my oxygen saturation is better too! I would encourage anyone who has PF/IPF to try the Carnivore diet! I’m not saying it’s a cure but I believe it has slowed down my progression. I’m not even on any medications! Anyway, I’m sorry to hear about your prognosis and I will keep you in my prayers!


    Maria Donihoo

  • M-14

    October 10, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Thank you Maria. I’m so happy for you having found something that works for you. I did well for years with a good diet and exercise. It does help, makes you feel better about yourself too. Good for you.

  • Cynthia Malone

    October 20, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    Reply to M-14

    I am now 81 was diagnosed 4 years ago have been on oxygen all 4 years. I chose not to go on either medicine. I fill no different from four years ago and actually better. I eat right work out every day including 30 min cardio , 20 min breathing exercises twice a day and 30 to 45 min weights and stretching. Get around well. Cannot handle strenuous work or exercise but I’m not sure if I could before diagnosis.

  • M-14

    October 20, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    Hi, thank you for your encouraging words. I’m not going to try anymore drugs. I agree with diet and exercise. We just do what we can try to smile through it all. I find looking back at my life that I have enjoyed so much. Take care.

  • John

    October 22, 2024 at 3:55 pm

    Thanks for sharing your success with the carnivore diet. My wife has IPF and I follow a diet as close to carnivore as one can get ( which is keto with very little carbs and eat mainly protein and fa)t. My wife eats similarly and we are seeing a keto doc at Duke next week and that will be interesting to see if he has any experience with IPF and keto or carnivore. The doc is well know with 20 years experience and has a large following on YouTube and has a written a book on the subject. BTW, his name is Dr. Eric Westman. Good job with the diet approach !


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