Celcept / Mycophenolate use?
Have you used Celcept , (Mycophenolate Mofetil)?
I am very interested in any feedback here eg how long, results, side effects, what particular type of Fibrosis, recommendation? I may need to make a decision pretty soon and input is important.
This drug was strongly suggested by my Rheumatologist who feels it has had a positive effect on a number of Fibrosis patients who have used this instead of OFEV. I had not run into this one but it sounds like its a lot less expensive and has fewer likely side effects, but similar results. It has been in use for quite a while (originally a cancer drug) and may be the only one I will try.
A forum member (John, Vet) recently indicated that he had been on this Mycophenolate, Cellcept for over 7 years I believe, but I can’t seem to find the article he had replied to. Would like to communicate ([email protected])
My interest is in those who have used this med since it looks like one that I might also use. So far I have decided to not go with Ofev for my RA Resistive form of Fibrosis. I need to do something soon if I am going to, since I will be running out of portable oxygen options and have to go to the heavy duty plug-ins for the house.
I am 84, on Inogen AT-Home at night on L4 for saturation levels of about 98%,
and daytime Inogen G5 on L5-L6 for maintaining saturation at about
88-92 when moving. Drop to 78% momentarily when first move and rebuild to
90%+ when stop for 3-4 minutes. Have had fibrosis showing its head for
more than 10 years but officially diagnosed in 2017. FV is not horrible but
DLCO 31%+/- Predicted.Heart stent last August may have improved DLCO from 21% to 31%Predicted. Very low, but if improvement I’ll take it. That’s the number that scares me
though…. Hypertension, in my mind may be a yellow flag that is missed in diagnoses and I have not been on any drugs for Hypertension yet. Maybe that’s next?
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