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  • COVID-19 Precautions Have Reduced the Number of Respiratory Infections

    Posted by Mark Koziol on February 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm

    One useful takeaway from our wearing masks and executing COVID-19 prevention measures is reducing the flu and other respiratory infections. Respiratory infections have been almost non-existent since the fall of 2020. The flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases have dropped dramatically. RSV is highly contagious and dangerous for persons with chronic lung diseases. An article titled “COVID-19 precautions may be reducing cases of flu and other respiratory infections” analyzes the effect of COVID-19 preventative measures and how they effect respiratory infections. I contracted RSV several weeks after my IPF diagnosis. I was in the hospital for over a week, and the virus caused me to have an exacerbation. My oxygen needs went from 3-5 lpm pulse to 6-8 lpm continuous flow.

    My wish is for people to take these same precautions after the pandemic is over. Since my lung transplant, I have been vigilant, but I have contracted several respiratory infections, including COVID-19. The article continues to highlight that “fewer infections means fewer people being exposed and gaining immunity to these viruses, building up a population susceptible to these infections later.”

    In other news: Rare Disease Day 2021 is on February 28. One of Bionews’ science writers has written a column titled, “Pandemic Won’t Stop Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28.” The column describes events scheduled on this day around the world. In case anyone is wondering, WE ARE RARE! Forum members, please spread the word. Tell anyone who will listen to what you are going through. Many people have never heard of our disease, and this is a perfect day to tell them.

    Additionally: the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation created a video to honor our loved ones who have passed from this horrible unforgiving disease. My brother passed away several days before Christmas 2020, and I sent his name and picture in so he would be honored. Bill Koziol was a retired Major in the United States Air Force, an amazing father, and brother. The link for the video is here. His name and picture appear around the 2:08 mark.

    Mark Koziol replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Ted Ted Fecteau

    February 25, 2021 at 10:28 pm


    Mark, sorry to hear about your brother. He was clearly a loved one. While we all will pass away eventually as a natural part of life, the loss of a loved one is a difficulty for those left behind. Thankfully the loved one will always be with us in our heart and mind and in our total makeup. They will have passed on much of themselves into our makeup. In effect, they live on in us.

  • Mark Koziol

    February 26, 2021 at 8:05 am

    Thank you Ted.

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