Feeling Rushed By Others as a Patient with PF
Back in August of 2017 I wrote a Pulmonary Fibrosis News column about feeling rushed in a grocery store from someone behind me, while trying to navigate my purchases and my supplemental oxygen. I wrote about how hurtful this experience was for me, and admittedly; that I didn’t know how to address the woman who was rushing me despite seeing my oxygen. As a result, I didn’t say anything and worried after that experience that she would do the same to another person in future who was using supplemental oxygen or requiring some other type of disability support.
It has been awhile since I experienced this again, thankfully, but unfortunately it just happened on the weekend and similarly, I wasn’t quite sure how to respond to being rushed. This was not only frustrating for me, but it made me sad as well as it highlighted just how much I’ve lost in terms of no longer being able to move at a pace similar to the rest of the world.
I am convinced that inevitably this will happen again and thus, I wanted to ask how others might deal with this scenario if it happened to them. Have you ever experienced being rushed by someone, despite having your oxygen/disability devices visible? If so, how did you handle it or did you address it?
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