• My Journey After Lung Transplant

    Posted by Prabir K Bagchi on October 20, 2022 at 10:32 am

    Hello Forum Member Friends:

    I had single lung transplant in February 2020 at the University of Maryland Medical Center after being rejected by Inova Fairfax Hospital.

    The journey since then has been made possible due to the excellent care I received from the doctors and health care staff at the university and God’s grace. I owe my life to them. These dedicated individuals go out of the way to ensure the wellbeing of all patients. One doctor during the height of Covid scare came and saw me at my home to ensure my  recovery was progressing well. After more than two years and 8 months now, I do everything albeit a little slowly. I am in my mid 70’s and I follow their instructions to the letter. No uncooked foods, no alcohol(which I never consumed anyway), no buffets anywhere,  and disciplined living has immensely helped. I have taken one two hour flight to Florida always masked up and a few short trips by car. We have been very selective about going to restaurants. Now we are preparing to take a transcontinental trip next month with all the precautions. Anybody has any tips?

    If I can be of any help giving more information, I will happy to provide. Please ask.

    Prabir Bagchi

    Sharon MacMillan replied 2 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Gary

    October 20, 2022 at 2:46 pm

    I’m also in my mid seventies and take the full Ofev treatment daily.  Last month, my wife and I took a cruise from Quebec to Boston.  We both have been vaccinated and taken our booster shots (Moderna).

    Upon our return, we both tested positive for Covid and took Paxlovid for five days.  The cruise line did as good as possible to protect their crew and their traveling guests.  I would expect the same effort has been taken by other travel companies.

    That being said, the virus is still out there and I encourage you to be diligent in your steps to keep protected.  I would also suggest that you take the Covid test immediately upon your return home.

    Is either Esbriet or Ofev part of your current treatment regimen?

  • David Ota

    October 20, 2022 at 3:12 pm


    Congratulations on dodging Covid for 2 1/2 years. I’m 6+ years post transplant and am in chronic rejection.  I’m guessing a transcontinental trip means flying.  My wife and I just got back from Aruba, we shut down any flying trips through the pandemic and finally got on a plane in July.

    Tip 1. Bring enough medicine for twice as long as your trip.

    Tip 2. Keep your meds with you, not in checked luggage.

    Tip 3. Split your meds into two sets in different bags.

    Tip 4. Trip Insurance in-case something crazy happens with Covid/transplant/meds.

    Good Luck


    • Prabir K Bagchi

      October 20, 2022 at 3:45 pm
      1. Thanks for your advice. Yes, we shall try to observe utmost care and act on these points.
      2. Did you need any oxygen in flight? How long was the flight? I did not need any in a 2-hour flight to Keywest. Now it would be 7 hour to London and then after two day break 9 hour to Bombay.
      3. How long after your transplant the rejection started? What were the first signs?

      Agains thanks for your help. Pray your well-being.



      • David Ota

        October 20, 2022 at 4:37 pm


        From Phoenix, the 1st flight was to Florida, around 4 hours in the air. The next day Orlando to Aruba about 3 hours.

        I have not not needed oxygen since the transplant.

        Your flights are long flights!

        I was diagnosed to be in rejection at my 4th anniversary clinic visit.

        For me, there were no signs of ‘rejection’. The diagnosis was based purely on length of time from transplant and the drop in my PFT test results.  I did not feel any symptoms. I did notice that it was harder to walk my daily 2 mile walk, but I put that down to just being more out of shape.

        For such long flights I would make sure to get up and walk the length of the plane (blood clots) and bring my own food and drinks (I have completely stopped eating and drinking airline stuff. N-95 masks the whole way.

        Good Luck! Just getting to your destination sounds like an adventure.


      • Prabir K Bagchi

        October 20, 2022 at 7:01 pm

        Thanks, Dave. Did you have single or double lung transplant?

      • David Ota

        October 20, 2022 at 7:31 pm


        Double Lung Transplant at Dignity/St Joes in Phoenix.  May, 2016, I was 55 years old at the time.

        Have you received the Evusheld injections for the immunocompromised?

        “AstraZeneca’s Evusheld, the only monoclonal antibody authorized as a periodic injection to prevent infection, has become an essential shot for roughly 17,000 Americans with weakened immune systems.”

        I’ve had my second set of Evusheld shots, and the latest Covid booster.  I believe it works, my health wife contracted Covid on our trip but I did not!?!  Does not seem reasonable, but here we are.





    • Prabir K Bagchi

      October 20, 2022 at 3:51 pm

      Dear Gary:

      Thanks for your post. I presume you are now Covid-free. I am post- transplant and do not take Ofev. I have to take three anti- rejection drugs-Tacrolimus, Myfortic, and Prednisone along with a few others including antibiotics.

      How long ago were you diagnosed with IPF?
      Ofev did not at all work for me. I had single lung transplant in 2020 February.

      Pray for your recovery.



  • Sharon MacMillan

    October 20, 2022 at 5:20 pm

    I am so glad you posted your post transplant journey. There are many of us waiting on the list, some with set backs, others anxious for many reasons as we face such an important procedure. I do hope that your new life will bring many new blessings with those who love you and value your presence. It is so important to hear from people like yourselves because many of us are kind of in the dark on so many topics regarding what’s ahead-even with great education. So we are glad you are here taking the time and effort to write and share.

    • Prabir K Bagchi

      October 20, 2022 at 7:03 pm

      Thanks, Sharon. The wait is indeed full of anxious days and weeks. Believe in yourself, decide you will be recover, be positive, thanks good Lord will take care.



    • Prabir K Bagchi

      October 20, 2022 at 7:05 pm

      Excuse typos. Think positive. Pray and Good Lord will listen and come to you through the doctors, nurses, and all healthcare staff.

  • Sharon MacMillan

    October 21, 2022 at 9:53 am

    How I agree with the Lord listening and come to us. He has been in our future, in our present and in our past. He will not disappoint. Thanks for your great encouragement. God give you many opportunities to testify of His faithfulness and active care.

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