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  • Nattokinase – What dose?

    Posted by Daniel T on January 16, 2020 at 1:53 am

    Hi there, there have been discussions on taking Nattokinase with Serrapetase. There are a few threads discussing the dosage for Serrapetase.

    Would anyone be kind enough to share the daily dose of Nattokinase that they are taking? If possible, I am curious if you feel that adding Natto to Serrapetase helped your overall well-being and in which aspect.

    Thank you so much!

    Charlene Marshall replied 4 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Maynard James Keller

    January 16, 2020 at 4:48 pm



    I take 100mg, 2000 FU once a day.

    I also take Rhodalia (rosavin), NAC, NAD+, and a host of other supplements.

    I had been stable for a year-and-a-half until recently. I’m 5 years into my diagnosis.

    My previous dose of nattokinase had included red rice yeast, but the supplement company doesn’t have that product anymore.  Does anyone think I should be looking for it?

    I’ll be starting serrapeptase later this week when it arrives. I’m not sure what dose I should take either.

    On the RX side I take Esbriet (three years), and started Metformin some months ago.

    Both of these alter my digestion and sense of taste, so I dropped the Metformin about 2 months before a recent decline, and I since started it again.


  • Linda

    January 16, 2020 at 4:55 pm

    I am curious why you are taking metformin- is for diabetes? The reason I ask – there has been some trials that suggest it may prevent fibrosis

    linda 35

  • Charlene Marshall

    January 16, 2020 at 8:59 pm

    Hi @danielt ,

    Thanks for writing about this topic and asking the question about nattokinase. I’ve not tried this personally, a few members of the forum have and written about it with serrapeptase, as you mentioned. @steve-dragoo , can you chime in here at all about Natto? If I remember correctly, you’ve had experience with this 🙂

  • Daniel T

    January 18, 2020 at 4:06 am

    @maynard – hope you are well. From what I gathered through read the forum, the Serrapeptase dose that most seem to on is around 120,000 SPU.

  • Stephen Gould

    January 21, 2020 at 10:02 am

    Hi all – a friend suggested serrapeptase (one who has no connection to any IPF groups) and after doing some Google searches, it seems to function to break up scar tissue.  I am taking 80,000 units 2x per day, but haven’t seen any recommendations for dosages.  Curious also about what dosage for adding nattokinase to my regimen?

  • Charlene Marshall

    January 21, 2020 at 11:04 am

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for writing – this seems to be a hot topic as of late! A few other folks have been asking about the dosages of Nattokinase, although no one seems to have a recommended dose as you say. @steve-dragoo – any insight here? I unfortunately don’t take this so I’m not sure how helpful I can be, but hopefully others can share.

    Kind regards,

  • Maynard James Keller

    January 23, 2020 at 3:39 pm

    I’ve been taking 2000 FU of Nattokinase OD for several years – for reasons having to do with being a cardiac bypass patient, and I hadn’t read about its application to IPF until recently.

    Now that I’ve added serrapeptase for IPF (40,000 three times a day as per advice in this forum), I’m thinking of doubling the nattokinase. However, that’s not based on any real knowledge, just a semi-educated guess.

  • Charlene Marshall

    January 23, 2020 at 7:23 pm

    Hi Maynard,

    Thanks for sharing your experience! I know others are always interested in hearing if there are supplements or other aids that can help us living with IPF. I’ve not tried either of these so I’m not particularly helpful, but I know others will find your experience of interest. Do you find the Natto has been helping as you hoped it would over the years?


  • Maynard James Keller

    January 25, 2020 at 6:26 pm

    I can’t say it helps me or not. I began taking it, berberine, and a vitamin K complex after a heart attack as an alternative to being on Plavix back in 2016. (I’ve just doubled my dose to 4000 FU based on my reading here.)

    I’m taking Esbriet and Metformin (based on a preclinical study of mice and IPF), plus a number of supplements I have read might help, e.g., Rosavin, AMPK activator, and have just added serrapeptase and DHEA.

    But I’m all in on supplements and have been for decades (partly because of past abuse of my body (e.g., smoking), heart disease, and not the best nutritional habits), and keep evolving my program.

    I’ve also been taking Ayurvedic formulas for IPF, recommended by a doctor in India, but I’m focusing more on IPF research now.

    So I also take a number of anti-aging targeted supplements such as NAD+, and various Life Extension’s formulas called Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer,  Senolytic Activator, Gerroprotect AI, and more (the ingredients are on their site).

    And well, a host of others for general health which I hope might help.

    I’m 5 years into my IPF and had been stable at a moderate level for almost 2 years, but just took a sudden step downward, just when I started to feel a little comfortable about it.

    That’s a lot of mixed information, but I hope it’s useful to someone.

  • Charlene Marshall

    January 28, 2020 at 9:44 am

    Hi @maynard ,


    Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information and type it all out – I have no doubts that it will be helpful for some folks in our community. Sorry to hear you’ve recently taken a step downwards, was there anything that caused this for you? I have unfortunately taken a decline as well due to pneumonia and the flu. I hope you can recover and get back to your baseline again soon. Thanks again for sharing all the information about the supplements, I know many people who believe in the benefits of these. Hang in there and feel free to write us anytime.


  • Sayee

    August 24, 2023 at 9:16 am

    Anybody taking RESVERATROL and if so in what doses recently i went through a video saying that high doses of resvetrol is harmful….Any idea anyone?

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