Hi Rayna,
Thanks so much for getting back to me and sharing this information with me. I didn’t know about Ofev not being approved for children yet, wow! I am hopeful the trials in 2020 go well, as it seems to be effective in slowing down the progression for me, or at least I think it is anyways. Per my recent PFT results, some areas have declined but not by much (a couple of percentages here and there) but compared to the rapid progression of this disease in other patients, I consider that a success. I suppose I don’t have anything to prove it has been the Ofev that is helped, but I suspect it is.
I would definitely question the physician about reversing the fibrosis, as what you read is correct: it slows it down, but doesn’t stop it. I suspect the doctor may have accidentally said it can reverse the fibrosis instead of just slow it down. There are currently no treatments/cures for this disease and nothing stops the fibrosis unfortunately. Double check with her though, but what you read is correct in terms of it just slowing it down. Report back if you find out anything different 🙂