@joehick0529 I’m with you Joe and that is why I have tried a lot of stuff. Some has helped others didn’t hurt but I can’t prove any efficacy which is subjective anyway since I self administer.
The list is ever-growing especially since the ccp virus has arrived. A doctor I have followed since January is an Internist and Pulmonologist (or at least works pulmonology substantially) working on virus cases. He takes a few things that I have seen mentioned here in the past year or so. BUT in various combinations, some of this stuff can be counter-intuitive.
For example, taking Quercetin and zinc may slow down the absorption of the trace mineral we need – copper. Also if you ever take Hydroxychloroquine with the suggested Z-pak (Azithromycin), you need to stop the Quercetin for at least a day first. But there are still plenty of things we can do. Hope this helps… – Steve