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  • An Unusual Cough Remedy for Patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Posted by Charlene Marshall on May 26, 2018 at 2:03 pm

    For a Saturday afternoon post, I thought I’d keep this one light and some what amusing. I just HAD to share with you what several patients told me alleviated their dry cough from pulmonary fibrosis, naturally. When I read the first response, I was in disbelief that this would actually help stop a cough, but then multiple other people said they used this strategy as well.

    People on our forums who messaged me privately, patients in my support group that I attend, and others on our social media platforms such as Facebook all shared this unusual cough relief option, which is………

    Pineapple juice!

    I have to ask: have you ever tried this in an effort to alleviate your dry cough? Has it worked, or do you know anyone who says it has?

    I also want to know: will you be giving this a try? I think I will! Not only is it a delicious option, I need to see for myself that this might work for my own cough relief 🙂

    Charlene Marshall replied 6 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Kathy

    May 30, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    Always have to be careful about foods like pineapple that can react with med’s before you start them.

  • Charlene Marshall

    May 30, 2018 at 1:36 pm

    Hi Kathy,

    This is very true, thank you for highlighting the importance of that! Especially acidic fruits, like pineapples, grapefruit, etc. can cause drug interactions that are problematic for patients so I couldn’t agree more with you – all patients need to be careful that these don’t interact with medications! Thanks for bringing this up 🙂


  • Timothy Middleton

    May 31, 2018 at 8:36 am

    I love pineapples, and now I will buy the juice. I usually eat pineapple chunks.

    • Charlene Marshall

      May 31, 2018 at 7:37 pm

      Hi Timothy,

      Great to hear from you!
      I’m also a fan of pineapples and eat them in chunks, but am going to have to try the pineapple juice to see if it does alleviate my cough at all. Had you ever heard of this? Sounds bizzare but definitely more than one patient (unrelated) with PF has told me it helps them. I thoroughly enjoy frozen pineapple chunks actually, and eat them with yogurt and nuts for a late night snack. I haven’t done that in awhile, but it is a refreshing treat.

      Let me know if you get any reprieve from your cough if you try the pineapple juice!

  • Sheila Blanchard

    May 31, 2018 at 10:03 am

    Hi Charlene, I will have to see if I can take pineapple juice as I also have diabetes type 2 and have bad acid reflux.Thank you for the information as always Sheila

    • Charlene Marshall

      May 31, 2018 at 7:40 pm

      Hi Sheila,

      My pleasure! It was such an interesting topic that was shared with me so I needed to let others know about it as well in the event it benefits them. While pineapple juice has a lot of health benefits, it does have high natural sugar content so I agree, probably best to check if you can have it. It is likely quite acidic as well. Hope if you can have it, that it works for you. I hope it does for me, as this is a remedy I certainly could get used to 🙂

      Hope you’re doing well!

  • paula

    June 1, 2018 at 9:05 am

    Interesting. I have a cough that goes from a dry cough to a junky, usually non productive or very little cough. Would the pineapple work on that as well?

    I know with Esbriet you can not eat/drink grapefruit. I am off Esbriet and hope to be on OFEV soon. Not sure if there is any restriction to juices.

  • Charlene Marshall

    June 2, 2018 at 7:58 pm

    Hi Paula,

    Great to hear from you. How has this week been for you? Any update on when the OFEV will start for you, and are you starting to see some relief following the reaction to the Esbriet?

    It isn’t an interesting cough remedy isn’t it? I was so surprised, and just had to share this! It might work to suppress both types of coughs for you, though I’m not sure. I haven’t actually tried it yet and the patients who shared this with me didn’t specify what type of cough it worked on, though I’d guess it was on  the classic “IPF dry cough”. Not sure though, worth a try I guess especially if you like pineapple juice anyway.

    I don’t have restriction on juices or fruits as a result of being on OFEV, but I also avoid grapefruit due a heart medication I am on. I try to avoid most other high acidic fruits as well, just by preference, but don’t have to stay away from them, like I do grapefruit.

    Hope you’re doing well and thanks as always for connecting 🙂

    Kind regards,

  • paula

    June 3, 2018 at 8:30 am

    Hi Charlene.
    All is well here. I think the fat fairy has discovered I am off the medication. Uggghhhh.

    Weather is an issue but it is what it is.

    No news yet on the OFEV. You would think something would have been done by now. Though I admit I am not missing taking all of those pills.

    Virtually all of the issues brought about due to the reaction to the Esbriet is gone.

    How are things going with you?

  • Charlene Marshall

    June 4, 2018 at 8:00 am

    Hi Paula,

    Great to hear from you, thanks for writing to me!

    Sorry to hear of that darn fat fairy, doesn’t she just drive you nuts? 🙂 Do you find weight fluctuates when you’re not on medication vs when you are? I find more so that it does when I am on medication, especially prednisone.

    Our weather has been pretty wild here too, and last week we had about 8 days of intense heat and humidity, some days reaching above 35 degrees celsius. Needless to say I didn’t do much outside on those days, and actually worked from home to avoid going out of the air conditioning all together. We had a wicked storm over the weekend though that seemed to cool most things down. I think the high today is only to be like 17 to a major difference.

    Please keep me posted on when you start the OFEV, and I sure hope the introduction of it to your system goes smoothly. You definitely don’t need anymore drug reactions! I didn’t have many problems with it, a few small stomach troubles that I can’t even guarantee were medication related. I can imagine you’re not missing taking that many pills for sure, hopefully OFEV will be an overall better fit for you.

    Glad the issues from the Esbriet reaction are gone and hope you’re finding more comfort now.

    I am doing okay thanks. Preparing for a friend’s company who are coming to stay with me tomorrow (I’ve never met them) in anticipation of a wedding we’re all going to on Friday. Feeling a bit anxious about cleaning and organizing my house before they get here, but thats ok, it will go fine. I’m still struggling a bit with mood fluctuations and have no idea why: I’ve always wanted to be at work, it was actually one of my favourite places to be and now I’m struggling with this, which is really hard for me 🙁 maybe it is time to re-evaluate what I value at this stage in my illness? I just dislike the feeling of being unhappy while I’m there. Just something I’m thinking about, but trust that it will resolve in time. We’re going through so many work changes, which could definitely be the cause of my struggles as it isn’t any one thing or anyone in particular that is causing issues. As a result, I’ve spent a lot more time at home and alone and I am just fine with that.

    Hope you’re doing well, and please do keep me posted on when you start the OFEV. Sending best wishes as always!

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