Surge in Telehealth Brings Access, Convenience to Rare Disease Patients

FDA Gives Breakthrough Therapy Status to Oral BI-1015550 for IPF

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given breakthrough status to Boehringer Ingelheim’s BI-1015550, an experimental oral therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), based partly on the findings of a clinical trial in IPF patients. A breakthrough therapy designation works to speed the development and review of…

Viral and Bacterial Infections With IPF Greatly Raise Risk of Death

Joint infection with a virus and bacteria in people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) significantly raises their risk of dying — by more than eight times — relative to patients with no such infections, a study reported. Viral plus bacterial infections were linked to acute exacerbations and disease progression in…

An IPF Patient Perspective on What It Means to Be Rare

For most of my adult life I was blissfully unaware of rare diseases. This lasted until 2016, when I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a life-threatening and progressive lung disease that affects about 200,000 Americans, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed annually in the U.S. Like many others,…

Q&A With RARE-X Disease Data Platform Founder, Nicole Boice

The nonprofit RARE-X is creating an easily-accessible, centralized data hub for all rare disease patient data that can help researchers answer questions about existing disorders, discover new ones, and work toward finding treatments. It was spun out of the work that Nicole Boice, founder and chief engagement officer of…

Ensuring No One Is Underserved Along Roads Less Traveled

The availability and quality of healthcare patients receive is often based on where they live and what they can afford. This is especially true for those among us with a rare disease. That’s what health equity is all about. It belongs under the umbrella term “social justice,” which encompasses a…

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