Lung Development Molecule Sox9 May Be Potential Target for IPF

30 Days of PF: My Love Code for My Sister

Photo courtesy of Shari George Day 26 of 30 This Shari George’s story: “Ma soeur.” Strange how a pet name can become so important, like a code that transmits more than the actual words. French for “my sister,” these words evoke so many memories — and the memories are…

30 Days of PF: My Message Is Hope

Photo courtesy of Holly Patient Day 25 of 30 This is Holly Patient’s story: I don’t know exactly when my IPF journey began. Was it on that hike, when I felt dizzy and out of breath? Was it that time when I fell skiing and literally could not…

30 Days of PF: Taking My Time to Reveal My Diagnosis

Photo courtesy of Jofac O’Handlin Day 24 of 30 This is Jofac O’Handlin’s story: My story begins when my wife and I each suffered a bout of pneumonia in February 2013. When it came to recovery, Susan came out of it much sooner than I did, and the X-rays…

1st Patient Dosed in Trial of IPF Therapy Candidate Taladegib

A Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating Endeavor BioMedicines’ experimental oral therapy taladegib (ENV-101) in people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), has dosed its first patient. The trial (NCT04968574) is enrolling adults, ages 40 and older, with mild-to-moderate IPF at one Australian site, with at least three more…

30 Days of PF: Choosing Not to Get ‘On the List’

Photo courtesy of Rand O’Brien Day 22 of 30 This is Rand O’Brien’s story: It started when I began feeling short of breath when I reached my third-floor office. I thought it might be my heart since two years prior, I’d had two stents put in. But after my…

‘Life with PF’ Campaign Created for Awareness in Canada

For Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month, held each September, the biopharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim Canada has created the Life with PF campaign to help patients better understand the stages of this progressive disease and to empower them to obtain much-needed care. The initiative, which is aimed at…

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