30 Days of PF: Honoring the Unforgettable Friends I’ve Lost

Cudetaxestat Did Not Interact with Ofev in Animal Study

Cudetaxestat (BLD-0409), an investigational treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) being developed by Blade Therapeutics, does not interact with the approved IPF treatment Ofev (nintedanib), according to research done in rats. “We believe that these are important data that help inform our step-wise approach to advance the clinical…

30 Days of PF: Living Courageously with IPF

Photo courtesy of Eileen Koster Day 20 of 30 This is Eileen Koster’s story: My IPF journey started in 2015. Asthma, allergies, and chronic cough made my job difficult as a flight attendant, so I made an appointment to see a pulmonologist. A year later, he recommended treatment…

30 Days of PF: My Mom Inspires Me to Be Positive

Photo courtesy of Ann Reynoso Day 19 of 30 This is Ann Reynoso’s story: Never a day goes by that I don’t think of my mom. She was very important to me. She helped me to be brave when we found out about my having LIP/PF. She would…

30 Days of PF: My Faith Sustains Me

Photo courtesy of Diana Schmitz Day 18 of 30 This is Diana Schmitz’s story: In January 2019, I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Throughout my experience with IPF, people have used certain words to describe me: grace, bravery, strength, and inspiration. But for me, the key words…

30 Days of PF: Swimming Is My Happy Place

Photo courtesy of Terril McBride Day 17 of 30 This is Terril McBride’s story: My name is Terril McBride, and I have IPF, like my father before me, and my two brothers. I was diagnosed in 2015. However, I had many lung complications after having open heart surgery in…

Ofev Can Safely Treat Progressive Fibrosing ILDs in Japanese Patients

With reasonable safety, Ofev (nintedanib) slowed lung function decline in Japanese patients with progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), according to a subgroup analysis of the Phase 3 INBUILD trial. Overall, this analysis provides further assurance to clinicians in Japan on Ofev’s benefits to patients there, with “no new…

30 Days of PF: Staying Active While Living with IPF

Photo courtesy of Malcolm Mann Day 16 of 30 This is Malcolm Mann’s story: My first inkling that my lungs were under stress was around the year 2000, when I developed a cough while exercising. In those distant days, I was a 50-year-old, slow-ish triathlete, and I…

Why September Is Hard for Me as an IPF Patient

As a patient living with a chronic illness, I’ve become comfortable with people using clichés to try to comfort me. People naturally want to relate to others, but it’s often hard for someone who’s healthy to understand the experiences of a young adult who requires oxygen to breathe. One cliché…

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