30 Days of PF: I’ve Been Given a Second Chance at Life

30 Days of PF: I’ve Been Given a Second Chance at Life

Photo courtesy of Curt Strickland Day 15 of 30 This is Curt Strickland’s story: I had a double lung transplant 18 months ago, and I am doing very well. Given my good fortune, I wanted to share what I believed helped in both my recovery and the actual transplant…

New Institute Aims to Leave No Rare Disease Patient Behind

A newly launched non-profit institute is seeking to advance research, and the development of new therapies, for people with rare diseases — a patient community with some of the largest therapeutic needs, but one that is often left behind. Named the Institute for Life Changing Medicines, the project was…

My Theory on How I Developed IPF

When I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with dendriform ossification in 2014, it was the second time I had a medical condition with an unknown cause. Three years earlier, I developed blood clots and had two pulmonary embolisms. Again, a reason for them couldn’t be determined. These unknown…

30 Days of PF: Finding Peace and Relishing Life

Photo courtesy of Jerry Barnum Day 13 of 30 This is Jerry Barnum’s story: My name is Jerry Barnum. I am 70 years old and live in Minnesota. In 2017, I was diagnosed with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis with autoimmune features. As one who learned I have a terminal…

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