30 Days of PF: We Are Stronger Together

30 Days of PF: We Are Stronger Together

Photo courtesy of Andrew Mooney Day 27 of 30 This is Andrew Mooney’s story: I was diagnosed with IPF nine years ago and am living with my condition as best I can. My wife, Lyn, has been at my side from the start and has been a constant…

30 Days of PF: My Love Code for My Sister

Photo courtesy of Shari George Day 26 of 30 This Shari George’s story: “Ma soeur.” Strange how a pet name can become so important, like a code that transmits more than the actual words. French for “my sister,” these words evoke so many memories — and the memories are…

30 Days of PF: My Message Is Hope

Photo courtesy of Holly Patient Day 25 of 30 This is Holly Patient’s story: I don’t know exactly when my IPF journey began. Was it on that hike, when I felt dizzy and out of breath? Was it that time when I fell skiing and literally could not…

30 Days of PF: Taking My Time to Reveal My Diagnosis

Photo courtesy of Jofac O’Handlin Day 24 of 30 This is Jofac O’Handlin’s story: My story begins when my wife and I each suffered a bout of pneumonia in February 2013. When it came to recovery, Susan came out of it much sooner than I did, and the X-rays…

1st Patient Dosed in Trial of IPF Therapy Candidate Taladegib

A Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating Endeavor BioMedicines’ experimental oral therapy taladegib (ENV-101) in people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), has dosed its first patient. The trial (NCT04968574) is enrolling adults, ages 40 and older, with mild-to-moderate IPF at one Australian site, with at least three more…

30 Days of PF: Choosing Not to Get ‘On the List’

Photo courtesy of Rand O’Brien Day 22 of 30 This is Rand O’Brien’s story: It started when I began feeling short of breath when I reached my third-floor office. I thought it might be my heart since two years prior, I’d had two stents put in. But after my…