Esbriet Plus Anti-PD-L1 Slows Lung Cancer and Fibrosis in Mouse Study

In Memory of Donnie Vapor: We’ll Never Forget You

It happens far too often in the pulmonary fibrosis (PF) community: the unexpected and sudden loss of a fellow patient. I’ve lost some dear friends since my idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnosis nearly five years ago, and it never gets easier. Last week, the sudden loss of Don Prager, known…

Calprotectin May Be Biomarker of IPF Severity

Calprotectin may serve as a blood biomarker for disease severity in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a new study indicates. Calprotectin blood levels are significantly higher in IPF patients and show a correlation with measures of lung function. The study, “Serum calprotectin as new biomarker for disease…

At-home Spirometry May Help in Lung Function Monitoring

At-home evaluation of lung function using a spirometry device is a “feasible and valid measure” for people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) who have preserved lung function, clinical trial data show. However, further study is needed to evaluate the utility of at-home evaluations, since correlations between changes seen at…

NORD’s Caregiver Respite Program Continues Through Pandemic

Caring for a loved one with a rare disease, especially during these uncertain times, demands significant time, attention, patience, and dedication. To help meet that need, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)’s Rare Caregiver Respite Program may be a helpful resource. The program seeks to give a…

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