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Using Reflexology to Treat Pulmonary Fibrosis Symptoms

Reflexology for Symptoms Have you considered reflexology for symptoms associated with pulmonary fibrosis? Reflexology is an ancient practice that’s been passed down for thousands of years. The Incas and Native Americans may have introduced reflexology to South and North America, but proof of the practice dates back to 3000 BC in pre-dynastic…

Essential Oils: Pulmonary Fibrosis

What is Aromatherapy? Have you heard about essential oils? They aren’t anything new. “Essential oil” is basically a different name for an old standby, aromatherapy. There’s plenty of research behind this aromatic trend that shows it can help to alleviate many health conditions. We’ve uncovered some ways essential oils can help you deal…

6 Pulmonary Fibrosis Complications

According to the Mayo Clinic, though no current cure for pulmonary fibrosis exists yet, medications and other treatment options can help improve a patient’s quality of life. As the disease evolves, several complications may arise. Here is a list of six possible pulmonary fibrosis complications: 1. High blood pressure in the lungs: Unlike normal high…

Curry Chicken Salad with Antioxidants

When you have pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Diets rich in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants can improve your well-being. This curry chicken salad is full of fruits and vegetables, loaded with antioxidants, and the curry acts as both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Antioxidants, like…

Ways to Relax: Pulmonary Fibrosis

Relax the Easy Way Has anyone ever told you to “relax?” That probably didn’t work out very well for them. You probably tensed up at the remark. There’s something about those words — relax, be calm, and calm down — that trigger a deep emotional response. These ways to relax…

7 Articles About Esbriet That Might Interest You

1. Knowing How Esbriet Works for Pulmonary Fibrosis May Help Improve Safety, Effectiveness Researchers are a step closer to understanding the molecular mechanism of action in Esbriet (pirfenidone), the anti-fibrotic drug used to treat pulmonary fibrosis.  2. Esbriet Found to Reduce Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression Across Disease Stages…

6 Less Common Symptoms of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, here are several less common symptoms and signs of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that you might develop over time. 1. Rapid and shallow breathing. Here are some simple facts about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 2. Fatigue…

5 Myths About Lung Transplants

Prof. Daniel Chambers from the Queensland Lung Transplant Service, at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, debunks ten myths about lung transplants for pulmonary fibrosis patients and other patients with lung problems. Read about five of the myths here: Myth 1. “Lung Transplantation is an experimental treatment.” Lung transplant was considered “revolutionary” when…

8 Iconic Personalities Who Had PF

1. Bill Bright William R. Bright, best known as Bill Bright, is the co-founder of the largest Christian ministry in the world, the Campus Crusade for Christ. He died from complications related to pulmonary fibrosis in 2003. Did you know that pulmonary fibrosis can be difficult to diagnose and…

Pulmonary Fibrosis Quote by Joe Nichols

Joe Nichols Quote About Pulmonary Fibrosis Joe Nichols is a country music star best known for the songs “Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off,” a No. 1 hit single in 2005, and “Gimme That Girl” in 2010. That song hit No. 1 on the charts eight years after the death of…