I was diagnosed with IPF a year ago, went on Ofev 2 months later — had a previous diagnosis of fatty liver, and 3 months after going on Ofev, it had progressed to moderate cirrhosis at which point I discontinued Ofev.
Have been working with my pulmonologist along with several other doctors, am taking autoimmune-suppressant,Mycophenolate, along with an acid-reflux medication and am on oxygen 24/7, 3l at rest and 5l when I move around. I do 20 minutes of morning bed exercises a day focusing on breathing and gentle rotations, which, along with 1 Aleve a day and olive oil has reduced my arthritis aches. Turning 80 this week, live in SF, had viral vertigo 5 years ago and was exposed to wildfire 3 years ago. Plan to donate my body to science when the time comes. Have been following the Forum but thx is my first posting. Judy K
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