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  • Coping When Life with IPF Gets Tough

    Posted by Charlene Marshall on May 15, 2018 at 10:00 am

    When faced with a stressful life event, situation or illness, everyone has their own unique coping style. By definition, coping is the conscious effort to reduce stress (thanks, Google!) and there is not really a right or wrong way to cope with something challenging.

    There is no shortage of literature on the many different types of coping styles. If you were to look them up you might find some of the following coping styles, just to name a few: distraction, denial, social coping or meaning-focused coping. Regardless of the type of coping style that works for you, it is important that whatever you’re doing helps reduce the stress of something taking place in your life.

    Patients living with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) experience stress, worry and concern on a regular basis. Even with patients with PF feel good physically, there is always the threat of a crisis taking place due to the unpredictability of this illness. Naturally, there are other stressful experiences and situations that people face throughout their lives as well, and knowing how to cope is an important lesson for all of us to learn from infancy through to adulthood. That being said, coping effectively and reducing stress is extremely important for a patient with PF, as prolonged stress and heightened emotion can have a physical impact on patients living with a lung disease.

    What are your coping strategies that work for you to consciously reduce stress from your life with PF? I’d love to hear from you!

    Charlene Marshall replied 6 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • George A Rydberg

    May 15, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    I decided I have a good life no matter what. Good wife, good life. I go slow, but try to stay involved with things that mean something to me. Pulmonary rehab twice a week with great nurses and other great patients.

    • Charlene Marshall

      May 15, 2018 at 6:39 pm

      Hi George,

      Thanks so much for contributing your thoughts to this thread, it’s great to hear from you! I like your decision to life a good life no matter what, and think many of us can be inspired by that. Some days I find it hard, living with a lung disease at 30 and feel my “good life” has been stolen from me. Other days, I am thankful for the opportunities that IPF has given me, such as moderating these forums and connecting with so many great people. Very happy you’re able to continue your hobbies and stay involved in the things that are important to you! Do you find pulmonary rehab helpful? I have been doing it and find it both very helpful physically and mentally as well, as I like connecting with the staff and other patients too!

      Thanks again and welcome to the PF forums. I look forward to chatting with you a bit more 🙂

  • George A Rydberg

    May 15, 2018 at 6:52 pm


    I have been doing rehab for 7 months. I decided to give it a try and it has helped. I increased the length I walked in the 6 minute test by 20% so I am happy. The program I go to isn’t recognized by Medicare so I am a self pay, but I don’t mind that. The nurses are very educated and also very friendly. It is a good social time and helps the stamina. Take care

    • Charlene Marshall

      May 15, 2018 at 7:09 pm

      Hi George,

      Thanks for writing back. I am so glad your 7 months of pulmonary rehab has been helpful for you, and that you enjoy the nurses and social experience of it as well. Great news that you’ve increased your walking length as well. I hope it continues to be beneficial for you! 🙂

      Warm regards,

  • Roger Wenschlag

    May 17, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    Since my IPF diagnosis three years ago I’ve had my ups and downs, but lately have tended to focus on a limited future, e.g. “Why buy a new car, I won’t be here long enough to enjoy it.”  I saw my pulmonogist a week ago, and she suggested I try to quit that kind of thinking, and instead live for each day, and try to be happier.  So, that’s been my approach for a week now. I’ve found that that technique works.  I’m trying not to worry about what might happen and when it might happen.  Strangely, I’ve become more productive and focused in my daily routines as result of my new mindset, i.e. I gt more done.


    • Charlene Marshall

      May 18, 2018 at 2:51 pm

      Hi Roger,

      Thanks so much for getting in touch regarding this topic. I agree with you, and have had many ups and downs since my diagnosis of IPF in 2016. Sadly, I think right now I am on a bit of a “low” that is lasting a lot longer than I’d like it to…

      May I ask: how did you feel when your pulmonologist suggested that type of living to you? I know they are well-intentioned when they say these things, as are friends and family members but sometimes I struggle with hearing this. It is a common cliche that everyone should live as if it is their last day, or focus on quality time vs. quantity because none of us know when our stories will end. I do agree with this, but sometimes I find myself emotional when being told about living this way from someone whose future isn’t threatened by IPF. I’m also curious to know how others’ respond to the “living each day like it is your last” speech.

      That all being said, I know it is important and does work for many people, such as yourself like you indicated in your message. I am thrilled that it is working for you, and that it has increased your productivity! I should maybe re-try this again, in hopes that it will pull me out of this funk I’m currently in. The many days of sunshine are also helping!

      Thanks again for writing and wishing you the best!
      Warm regards,

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