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  • IPF and gastrointestinal surgery

    Posted by Ginger DeBerry on March 15, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Hi, I am interested in hearing from others that may have had experience with major surgery. I suffer from IPF, diverticulitis along with rheumatoid arthritis and I will be referred to discuss surgery for the removal of a foot of colon.

    I know no one is the same, I just want to hear about others experiences. My pulmonologist is excellent, and wants to recommend the surgeon and consult as to my pulmonary situation. He has explained I am at moderate risk, potential additional hazards, one being pneumonia and my need to come off rheumatoid meds because they suppress my immune system. I understand that at 71, this type surgery is hi risk even without additional health issues.

    I would appreciate any feedback(positive or negative).Thank you. Ginger

    Ginger DeBerry replied 6 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Ken Monroe

    March 19, 2024 at 2:16 pm

    I have IPF and I have had a rotator cuff surgery and a Nissen fundoplication, both requiring general anesthesia. I have also had numerous EGD scopes with “twilight sleep,” or light anesthesia. I am not on O2 and current PFT stat’s aren’t too bad. I’m also on Esbriet. I had no problems with the surgeries, but… the rotator cuff was outpatient and the Nissen was a 2 night stay. These were both before Covid. I would assume that post-Covid risks are higher but probably very hospital dependent.

  • Suzanne

    March 20, 2024 at 6:45 am


    I’ve had IPF for 2 years and suffered from diverticulitis frequently. Last July, I had colon resection surgery and it turned out just fine. 20 inches of colon was removed and my recovery was painless and uneventful. No complications because of my medical condition with the pulmonary fibrosis. I did have a top-notch surgeon and that was a source of comfort. So much better than suffering with diverticulitis on a regular basis.

  • Ginger DeBerry

    March 21, 2024 at 8:39 pm

    Thank you for your experience, strength and hope. I’m trying not to get too much in my head about this so your input is very much appreciated. I too can’t continue with the intestinal pain. Generally I am a look at the glass half full kind of person, put hav had periods when I let fear slip in. Thanks so much.

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