• Journaling & PF

    Posted by Christie Patient on February 6, 2023 at 3:14 am

    I’ve talked about journaling a lot in columns and here in the forums. It’s been a vital part of my life for many years and has helped me process the experiences of my life. Recently, columnist Sam Kirton also wrote about journaling. He revisited his journals from the early days of his IPF diagnosis. I also reread my journals from the days when my mom was very ill, and throughout the time that I was her caregiver. It is always a bit tender to reread my thoughts from those days, but I am so glad I wrote everything down.

    Do you keep journals? If so, have you found it rewarding or surprising to reread old entries? Has it helped you process your diagnosis?

    If you don’t journal, what’s stopping you? It’s ok if it’s just not your thing, but I highly recommend trying it out sometime just to see. Even bullet points or one-sentence notes can be enlightening when you look back at them. 🙂

    Christie Patient replied 1 year, 5 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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