September is Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month
Month’s that are dedicated to raising awareness for certain diseases was always something I felt a little uncertain about. Mainly because every disease deserves to be recognized, but undoubtedly there are some months of awareness that are more well-known than others. A primary example would be the pink ribbon for October, which stands for breast cancer awareness. While I agree entirely with the need to raise funds and research for breast cancer, it is a bit disheartening that not a comparable amount of people know what the blue and red awareness ribbon stands for: pulmonary fibrosis awareness.
This disease has turned my world upside down in the last three years, and a recent statistic stated that more people die from IPF (50,000 / year) in the U.S. than breast cancer (41, 000/year). Something needs to be done about this deadly, relentless and unforgiving lung disease!
September is PF awareness month so I invite you to get creative about different ways you can help raise the profile about this disease. Last year, the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation shared a tangible list of ways to do that, which you can read about HERE.
While funding research is critical and incredibly important, so is helping others’ realize the early signs of this disease. This is especially true because they can be mistaken for so many other, more-common aliments like Asthma, bronchitis or a stubborn respiratory virus. If you help educate someone about IPF via the early signs, symptoms or what to watch for; you have potentially given them the tools to seek earlier care and treatment in the unfortunate event they (or their loved ones) are ever diagnosed with this disease. That matters!
Here are a couple of other blogs/columns that you can share on social media to help raise the profile of PF in your community this month. Help us spread the word!
PF Awareness Month Feels Less Important than Others
PFF Promoting Awareness Month with Range of Activities
September Marks Global PF Awareness Month
#PFAwarenessMonth: How We Can Work Together to Raise Awareness for PF
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