I have had pf since 2011 five years ago I moved to Aurora, CO the VA here , at that time, was almost brand new. My gp was great. My oncologist was good, but my pleumonologist was slack. After a year of nothing she finally sent me for a pft . About six months later she said ” there’s nothing more we can do for you.” I got a new pleumonologist late last year. Put me on liquid oxygen. 2nd visit he wants me to do a,sleep over and I said , no. What’s to be gained? They did some tests on me after about two years where , part of it is, sticking a camera in jugular to see heart. After all the tests were over I was told the vein from lung was blocked and causing low oxygen to heart and brain.
He keeps mentioning infusion therapy but then drops it. I think I’m pretty well done for and was wondering if anyone has an answer to this question. I’m thinking of dropping pleumonologist and just staying with oncologist and gp. Is there any reason to keep pleumonologist?
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