Rare Disease Film Festival Highlights Patient and Researcher Unity

My Top Takeaways from PFF Summit 2019

I am home safe and sound after a whirlwind three days at the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) Summit in San Antonio. In a previous column, I wrote about why I was looking forward to attending the summit. Being among other PF patients and their caregivers was beneficial in…

Indalo’s Anti-fibrotic Candidate IDL-2965 Fares Well in Phase 1/2a Study

Indalo Therapeutics’ lead investigational anti-fibrotic candidate, IDL-2965, is safe and shows favorable pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, and elimination in the body) in healthy people, according to interim results of a Phase 1/2a clinical trial. The results were presented at the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) Summit, held Nov. 7–9 in…

Dealing with Assumptions About My Physical Capabilities

When I engage with the pulmonary fibrosis (PF) community online, I frequently hear about the difficulties of living with an invisible illness. Sometimes it feels nearly impossible to convey my experience of living with this chronic lung condition, which is characterized by progressive scarring of the lungs, shortness…

Making Exercise Work for You as a PF Patient

We all know about the benefits of exercise and try our best to incorporate it into our lives. While engaging in physical activity is difficult when living with a chronic lung condition, doctors and physical therapists recommend that those with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) stay as active as possible.

PFF-supported PRECISIONS Study Aims to Bring Personalized Treatment to IPF

The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) announced a research initiative that aims to expand precision medicine strategies for diagnosing and treating idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The study, called PRECISIONS (for Prospective tReatment EffiCacy in IPF uSIng genOtype for Nac Selection), is being funded by a $22 million grant from the National Institutes of Health and …