Whether Asked or Not, My Helpers Show Up

Whether Asked or Not, My Helpers Show Up

In times of trouble, I remember the words of Mister Rogers’ mother, who said to always “look for the helpers.” Until recently, that advice comforted me more in theory than in practice. It was easy to look for — and see — my helpers, but I seldom called…

Tips for Pacing Yourself While Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis

Learning to live with a life-threatening, chronic lung disease as a young adult is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by irreversible and progressive scarring of the lungs, known as “fibrosis,” which ultimately diminishes a person’s ability to breathe. While the prognosis of IPF…

A Stranger in Need Finds a Friend Indeed

When my mom, Holly, was hospitalized to wait for a double-lung transplant, I needed to talk to a survivor. I longed to hear from someone who had been through it and was living, breathing proof that surviving was possible.   About a year before my mom…