Managing Medication as a Patient with PF

Managing Medication as a Patient with PF

Patients living with a chronic illness must learn quickly to manage their medication. Access to the right treatment can be a matter of life or death, especially when talking about a rescue inhaler in response to a respiratory crisis. I’ve experienced one respiratory crisis since being diagnosed with…

Co-caregivers: Remember You’re on the Same Team

Last week, I wrote about the benefits of having multiple caregivers during my mom’s recovery from a double-lung transplant. My dad, Aunt Shari, and I shared the responsibilities so that Mom had the best care from each of us. Preventing caregiver burnout and having someone else who…

Spread the Word: September Is PF Awareness Month

A large number of people with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) were unaware this disease even existed before they were diagnosed. I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in December 2014 and received a lung transplant a year later. Doctors speculated that I had been living with IPF…

Protecting Yourself from Secondhand Smoke

I want to increase awareness about the impact on those of us with lung disease when people smoke in public places. Since being diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), I’ve twice inhaled secondhand smoke at the entrance of a grocery store. One of those times, I was rushed to…