My Diet and Exercise Are More Important than Ever

Choosing to Let Things Go Since My IPF Diagnosis

When you are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), the choices about how you live your life suddenly becomes illuminated. Since IPF literally steals a patient’s ability to breathe, the prognosis of this disease is not very good, plus there is no cure.

A Week in the Life of an IPF Patient

As someone living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), I have enjoyed connecting with others on a similar illness trajectory as me, as well as those living with different kinds of illnesses, including different forms of pulmonary fibrosis. We all have things in common, as well as things we…

Beginning Testing for a Lung Transplant

About six weeks ago, I shared that I am under consideration by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) for a lung transplant. A few weeks ago, I got the good news that UCSF said YES to allow me to start initial testing to…