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Esbriet and fatigue
Posted by Camila Lopez on August 11, 2024 at 6:55 pmHi all. I have been using Esbriet since August 2022. My last CT scan in July showed that the fibrosis had not advanced at all. My pulmonologist says I’m doing well and his only worry is my liver. My oxygen level is at 97 – 99. But since February I feel fatigued by doing minimal things like walking from one room to another or changing my clothes. It doesn’t happen always. I had a cardiac cath 2 weeks ago and was found with a 70% blockage and they placed a stent. Now I’m using a blood thinner but the fatigue continues. My question is, is anyone experiencing this? When I started Esbriet I felt tired but with time that didn’t bother me anymore. I would appreciate your opinions on this. Thanks.
John Fraze replied 3 months ago 17 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
I have been on Esbriet and pirfenidone for almost 4 years. It seems the last year or so I have been experiencing significant morning fatigue and loss of breathe with relatively minor daily routines. I also have significant cardio issues so not sure of cause? I have 6 stents…..
My breathing tests and CT scans have shown very, very little deterioration over the last year.
I am also doing laser treatments that no doctor will approve other than the doc at the laser clinic.
I am continuing to do laser in the hopes that it, along with pirfenidone keep my IPF stable.
I have been on perfinadone since July 2023.I get really fatigued when I take my 2nd dose of the day.I also get a upset stomach often.the good news is I get the medication from the Va for $8.00 a month.my blue cross medicare plan would have charged $800.00 A month. Does anyone have any suggestions for the upset stomach problem ? Ron Price
Hi Ron, for a long time since my gallbladder surgery I have had gastro problems. Nevertheless, I haven’t had issues with pirfenidone. Since my first dose, I took them with Dan Active, a liquid probiotic. Another brand is Activia. I think it has helped me. I hope this helps.
I’ve been on Pirfenidone for 8 months. My gastro issues include more of a “sour” stomach than pain or heart-burn from acid reflux, which I had for years and know how it feels. However, the discomfort makes me feel like crap all the time. I do get some relief from Pepsid, which my pulmonologist recommended. I’ve heard of others taking Imodium, but have not tried it. I constantly go from diarrhea to constipation and take Miralax daily. I was originally on Ofev, but it caused such severe abdominal pain I was switched to Pirfenidone. With Pirfenidone I was having infrequent dizzy episodes. I was also on a low carb diet at the time. Increasing the carbs helped with the dizziness.
I had to stop taking it after about a year because my stomach was hurting so bad . It would be tolerable in late evening until I would take my morning dose and in about an half hour or so my stomach would hurt so bad that I couldn’t do anything and I do have a high tolerance for pain.
I have been on Esbrit for about three years and have fatigue. But I had some fatigue before that. Diagnosed in 2019. I have heard that PF itself causes fatigue. My only other side efffect with Espirit is itichiness. Fatigue is my major problem along with some dizziness.
if by hurting you mean acid reflex which is a common side affect using Esbriet try, using omeprazole it works for me. I get really bad heart burn without it.
Hi all. I have been taking Ofev since June 2022. While I’ve often suffered from fatigue during my journey with RA, Fibromyalgia and now IPF, I hadn’t experienced fatigue like I did this last weekend and now. I’m wondering if I’m entering a permanent phase of fatigue that I often read about from brothers & sisters that suffer from this god forsaken illness! I was diagnosed April 2020. While I had felt very tired at times, this last weekend was the worst fatigue I have felt in the last 4 years. I’m wondering if I’m entering a new level of fatigue in this disease. Has anyone experienced this in their journey? While my scarring and numbers have not changed, the only thing that seems to be changing is the fatigue. Please tell me what your experiences have been. Thanks warriors!😷
This has been exactly my problem. I started experiencing fatigue in February. Not all the time, for example, going from one room to another or changing my clothes.
Hi everyone.
I have been on Esbriet with no issues for 6 years. It has done its job. Little or no progression. Last December I began to notice I could do a little less each day. This progressed to where even little things were exhausting. Walking wiped me out. Winded and SOB quickly. Had to give up golf. Exercising was possible through a cardio pulmonary program but my O2 stats started dropping. I more or less stabilized at a level where I could do many things but not all. Then, I got Covid again so mild I could hardly feel it. No temp, no nothing. Took Paxlovid and was better almost immediately. 3 weeks later all my energy disappeared and it’s a big effort to do anything. Home Health Care says I’ll recover but it will take a long time. Every day with PF is a battle. You have good days and bad. I wish it were different but it isn’t. One day every one will hit a wall and lose strength and power rapidly. Just keep fighting and do what you can. Beating this disease means getting as many years as you can.
Been on perfinidone for 5 years now and my lungs have not deteriorated very much. My life has been about 90% normal but with shortness of breath. To prevent nausea, always eat before taking , including bread or other absorbing foods. O2 still 94_95 at night on Google watch. Family, friends, cycling and not thinking about this disease all the time keeps me sane and happy.
According to most of the replies, Esbriet users are getting this fatigue after years of using it. I wonder if anyone consulted their doctors or Esbriet about this and if they gave an opinion.
Hi all, I think I was lucky to get an early diagnose because I used to swim and saw that everyone did one pool after another while I had to take 20-30 seconds breaks between pools (25 meters). I still did 60 pools or about a mile in an hour. I’m 69, diagnosed end of 2020 and on pirfenidone since Feb 22. My pulmonologist back in Uruguay (South America) says I won the lottery because I have no collateral effects whatsoever. My lungs scarring, however, increased in the past year and my pulmonary capacity reduced by 10% to 75%. But I took back golf and play 9 holes three times a week, riding on cart, as walking kills me, as I found out. I still do a good deal of walking because we play so badly, me and my friends. So it is common to see we walked at least a couple of miles when we finish.
Now, going to the fatigue issue, I have seen it increase lately but don’t really blame it on the medication but rather on the desease progression. Besides, my health provider put me in a respiratory rehab 3-month program, which should generate some sort of exercising routine habit. Highly recommended.
I am currently in the U.S. for a week as I decided to come to the Mayo Clinic for an evaluation. I understand one of the recommendations will be to change from pirfenidone to nintedanib (Esbriet to Ofev) although this will mean a huge financial impact.
One other thing, and please excuse the length and fairly out of matter reply. I worked for many years for a clinical trials company (in Finance, I’m not a doctor!) and I’m convinced it’s the best option for uncurable deseases when the available approved options are not working. One of my goals with Mayo is to investigate this option, although you should be aware of the risk of getting the placebo (50%) instead of the experimental drug. But risk is my second name when I think that I could be gone in a couple of years. Joining a clinical study costs nothing as you become a voluntary participant. Not in Mayo, but there’s a study called Revert (Tvardi), successful in the initial non-human phases and currently in phase 2, that is expected not only to slow and stop the scarring, but to reverse it. The annual congress of IPF is next week in Boston and something will be presented by the drug developers (fingers crossed!). Attending the event costs $3.600 for 3 days, so I prefer to read the findings later 😁
Folks, a pleasure to be a part of this group and read about your experiences. It’s very good not to be alone. Cheers.
I was diagnosed in 2018 and prescribed Ofev. I experienced stomach pain, diarrhea, and 30 lb. weight loss but stuck with it because my PFT’s were stable. I was changed to Esbriet about 18 months ago because of nephrotoxicity and the fact that I had had to have a kidney removed for cancer. The only side effect I have had has been about gaining back 20 lbs. I still play Pickleball 3-4 times/week for 2-3 hours without any significant shortness of breath. I’m sure there is some increase in fatigue but I attribute most of it to increasing age (83 y/o).
I’m on ofev. And have had chronic fatigue even before the ofev.
I believe it’s related to the illness. 😘
I agree wth silentwarrior. I had some of the effects attributed to the medication (fatigue, loss of appetite and weight) long before I was prescribed Ofev (Nintedanib) in March 2024,(over 7 years since reporting symptoms to GP and over 4 years since diagnosis was confirmed) . My sats levels have gone down as have my lfts. In England, IPF patients were made to wait for treatment till their condition had worsened to a certain degree. I think the cost of treatmnt was behind this. After dutifully shielding during the pandemic, I actually caught Covid waiting in the queue for my booster Covid jab. I wasn’t particularly ill but I suppose my recent exacerbation (I am now very breathless the minute I stand up, let alone try to walk and I have lost a horrendous amount of weight because I have no appetite and a very dry mouth and can’t swallow dry food) could be Long Covid. Whatever, I need to get my affairs in order!
About the fatigue issue. I have been dealing with ipf for 10 years. I am now a zombie and sit and nod off all day. My doctor is worthless. a typical appointment consists of checking heart and lungs and blood pressure blah blah and come back in six months if your still alive. which currently i hope not too.
Perhaps you could go to a physician that is unaware of your IPF and get a diagnosis based on their lack of not knowing this and you could be checked as regular patient without focus entirely on IPF. You already have a Physician for that
I take OFEV but have the same lack of stamina issues. I struggle to go to the bathroom. It has gotten much worse the last month but has leveled off.
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