Idiopathic or not?
Doesn’t “Idiopathic” mean “Source unknown”?
Also isn’t it hard to believe that such a large percentage of us are labeled Idiopathic? Could that be what you get when such a large percentage of our research into our personal history proves fruitless?
Well, so far, I continue to hunt for those speckles of historic dust of knowledge that have so far proved nothing to me. But wait, I wonder about some property I bought 4 acres back around 1997 that was solid wooded and solid poison ivy waist high and up almost every tree with very thick poison ivy vines (probably since the last ice age or the beginning of time?
You know who came to my rescue though, right? A highly touted product on Saturday mornings, somewhat safe, weedkiller advertised most every Saturday morning. Enough said, and I used it by the gallons up the trees vines and all over the ground growth on hot and humid days and etc.and after taking a shower later and putting my clothes in a pile my wife then scooped them up and put them in the washing machine..Only lately have I read an article on internet searches with more sophisticated search tools about how that situation was eventually resolved and my jaw dropped a bit as I read about lung scarring and oils that could take years to sink down low enough to eventually hit layers below the collagen layers and to cause issues with breathing and scarring and ILD over a much longer period of time and years.
I do believe everybody should attempt his or her own research when considering what in their history may have impacted the unknown causes of their personal afflictions. But this could be where you look hard enough and perhaps find a small pearl of something that might change you from an Ideopathic (unknown source) to a named (Agricultural- source and possibly easier to address treatment options? Maybe it could also provide a “starting point” and a likely “ending point” to the introduction of this afflictive catalyst in your life, just wondering?
At any rate it would be interesting to know just how many of our older crowd managed a garden around the 1990’s to 2015 or so era and figured out how to eliminate the weeds the easy way with a highly advertised weed killer product back then?
George Poulsen
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