Fevers & IPF Patients: Let’s Talk About Em’
Just a quick note from me tonight, as I am once again feeling under the weather. Overnight last night I developed a seemingly random fever, which started with terrible chills and shivers that I could not get relief from no matter what I tried: heated blanket, multiple layers, tea, etc. I finally fell back asleep despite the shivering only to wake up soaked with sweat a couple hours later. Recognizing my fever broke, I got up to drink some water and check my temperature: 101.6.
Low-grade fevers aren’t abnormal for me, and I’ve spoke to several other patients with various lung diseases who’ve told me they often suffered from fevers prior to their lung transplant as well. Some experienced various “bugs” or infections in their lungs as the culprit of the fever, whereas others were oxygen deprived and this was their body’s way saying I’m tired. That said, a fever of closer to 102 is cause for concern, and unfortunately this has happened to me a lot in the last few weeks.
When I woke up after taking Acetaminophen this morning, the fever had drastically reduced. Aside from general muscle weakness and fatigue, I felt fairly well, however once the Tylenol wore off, the fever came raging back. I realize I am probably just fighting something now, and I have been in touch with my transplant team as well, but this is happening more often as of late. For the last two months, fevers, with no other obvious accompanying side effects are something I am experiencing every few weeks.
Has anyone else had experience with this?
If so, how did you manage it or what did your physicians say was the cause?
Thanks in advance.
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