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Laser Therapy Results
car replied 1 month, 1 week ago 30 Members · 150 Replies
We will be seeing a traditional Chinese Medicine expert who helps lung cancer patients in a Montreal hospital with exercise, nutrition, breathing, etc. I will ask him about this product as am sure he will know about it. Steve, do you notice anything better since using it? How much is a 1 month supply? I am somewhat skeptical as unlike some of the other things we discussed there are no studies or trials that these products work.
Leontis – I made a fast decision to start Wei because I cannot find a class 4 laser here in the Philippines and I had several local friends in medical looking here. I am totally surprised by the significant (subjective) improvements I feel. The laser was a great help and Wei has boosted me too. Looking forward to my next tests but they will not be until I return to the USA early 2020.
I am in the tail end of week 5 in a couple days and have good stamina. Once in a while I am short of breath a few seconds after quick moderate exercise like running upstairs but every time my O2 is 95+ but my heart is over 105. I think this is PAH but even that seems a lot better.
Really had a very tough 48 hours of moving and flying before I slept (airplane sleep doesn’t count) but had no real issues flying to the Philippines and just returned from Malaysia – no problem. Before Wei and the laser I was going downhill and had little stamina but to be clear I also take some supplements that I know help a good amount. – Steve
Dr Andrew Hall. @drandyhall I have been doing K-Laser since end of March. If I’m honest with myself I don’t think there has been any improvement, as my symptoms are getting worse. My O2 levels are down and I’m slightly more breathless. Do you think this may be due to laser and that I should stop laser treatment?
I also have an intriguing question. During my last laser treatment, I measured my blood SAT levels with an oximeter. While treating front right lung O2 increased from 95 to 98. On all others areas it fell to 93. We were so amazed that we repeated the front right again, with the same result. Have you met this before and do you think it reflects a variation in the scarring for different parts of my lungs? Should I increase the treatment times in the areas that fell.
Thanks for all your input and help. David
Hi David,
I have never heard of this before where the O2 raises on one side and decreases on the other. I think though that it is a good idea to try increasing the dose on the left side to see what happens. Frankly, it’s a mystery to me why it would do that. When is your next PFT? It will be interesting to see what the FVC, etc is doing and if there are changes.
Hi David, wow those are good sats from where I see my sats at 90 to 91. Usually my sats will decrease right after laser and then shoot up about 10 minutes later to 96 and then level off a couple points higher at 92 or 93 for the rest of the day. I am doing laser twice a week. Maybe there is something else going on, maybe check pulmonary hypertension. Hope it stabilizes and benefits you.
Hi Jgohn,
You may be right, pulmonary hypertension could be a cause of what’s going on with David……. I would love to know what it is that is making his stats change like that.
Hi Dr Andy and John,
Thanks for your helpful comments. I have had a look at the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension and don’t think I have that.
I measured again at my last laser treatment and this time O2 saturation increased on both front lungs, wheras previously it had increased only on right front. So I think that is good and will measure again during tomorrows treatment. I am discussing with my chiropractor increasing the dose by 1500 joules as Dr Hall suggested on another forum. I’ll keep you posted………
My sats generally are down to about 80% while exercising, but I am not particularly breathless and I am not on O2.
Hey David,
How do you measure your lungs independently for O2?
Hi Steve. @steve-dragoo
It’s good to hear from you again and that things are working out good for you in the Philippines although it’s a pity you cannot find a laser provider.
In answer to your question, all I do is read the oximeter on my finger while undergoing the laser treatment on each lung.
HI David, you may want to use some oxygen while exercising, 80 is low and can damage other organs. I do not know where the laser will lead us to, I only hope we have stabilization. As for now it look promising. Good luck.
G’morning, Andy @drandy and Charlene @charlene-marshall! It feels like forever since we’ve been in touch and I hope you are both doing well. My reason for posting is confirmation re laser treatment protocol. Dr. Cebek (who has been wonderful since I started seeing him last February) has recently started scheduling me for treatment once every two weeks. I thought the # of treatments would eventually settle at 1xwk and remain as such to continue the positive benefits as long as possible. I wanted to check with you, Andy, to see if this is accurate. My concern is to ensure what benefits I’ve experienced to date and timing of future treatments that will support this. Thank you for your input…I am a bit more foggy recently and as always appreciate your help! Blessings, Marsha
Hi Marsha,
We are all in new territory here with long term laser use. I honestly can’t say how you will do with laser treatment every two weeks. I would suggest that you just monitor your progress and see how you do with it. I continue with weekly treatment because it works well for me, I am maintaining very well. My concern is that I fear that if we regress I don’t know if we will be able to get back to the level that we were at when we stretch out treatment frequency. For myself, I don’t want to take that chance, if I slip and get worse I’m afraid that I won’t be able to regain where I am now. This is a serious and scary disease! On the other hand I might do just as well at every two weeks or even once a month, but I just don’t know………
@drandyhall @charlene-marshall
Thank you, Andy, @drandy for sharing your thoughts on this “new territory” (good call!) of long-term laser use. You always have a way of clarifying the big picture and then addressing the necessary details within it…surely one of your many gifts that I so admire! I will address the situation with Dr. Cebek when I see him on the 15th. I really do not want to risk the quality of life benefits I have realized over the last five months.On the lighter side, I am looking for part-time work to finance full-body laser therapy treatments…will let you know how it goes if I can find a Dr. to administer it…one never knows!! Best regards, Marsha
Sending you lots of love and best wishes @marshaharris! It is always so nice to hear from you, and you are so eloquent in your writing and kind words that it just brightens my day 🙂 Goodluck with your chat with Dr. Cebek on the 15th, I’m curious to hear what he says. Do you mind reporting back?
Best wishes!
Hi Charlene
My name is Sam Bilotta and I live just north of Toronto (Barrie) Ontario Canada. I’ve been diagnosed with IPF in July 2018. I’m currently on the OFEV therapy (150mg) twice daily. Reading your forum about Laser Therapy . I was wondering if you knew where in the Toronto area where I can go and give this 4k laser therapy a try. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi Sam ( @sambilotta ),
So nice to hear from you – hello to a fellow Canadian! I have friends up Barrie way actually. Are any of your specialists out of TGH? I haven’t yet investigated laser therapy providers in Toronto but I’m glad @drandyhall was able to provide you with some contacts! Do you mind reporting back and letting me know what you find out? It sure has sparked my curiosity.
Kind regards,
Hello Sam,
I have done a search for youand I have found that in nearby Angus is Angus Therapeutics @705-424-8824. Also in Wasaga Beach are doctors Adams and Mardi @ 705-429-0911. If they have questions about treatment protocol know that I will be happy to provide that for them!
Best wishes,
Dr Andy Hall
Hello Dr. Andy Hall;
I would like to thank you for the contacts that you have provided me with. I will be contacting the Angus Therapeutics since they are only about 1/2hr away from where I live in Innisfil. I will keep you informed on my progress with them. Thanks again
Sam Bilotta
No problem Sam. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know!
Hi Charlene;
Its a pleasure to meet you despite our circumstances. My pulmonologist is Dr. Anna Day and she works out of Womens College Hospital and is also part of a “TEAM” at TGH. Thanks to Dr. Andy Hall for providing me with some contacts, I will definitely be in contact with them sometime todayand will keep you and Dr. Hall updated on my progress.
Btw Charelene are you also from the Toronto area?
Thanks again we’ll keep in touch
Sam Bilotta
Hi Sam,
Oh, I’ve heard many good things about Women’s College Hospital! I’ve had friends treated there before, not for interstitial lung diseases, but I know your pulmonologist would be well connected and skilled just being part of the UHN. I don’t live in Toronto, but about 2 hours from it yes 🙂
Please do keep us posted on the progress you make in securing laser therapy near your home. That is exciting news! Have you seen the new “Be Amazed” video from Toronto General regarding their transplant program? It gives me so much hope and it is very well done. Here is the link if interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32ik8x6_wtk&t=2s&fbclid=IwAR284pBWW80nB1dxn6nBiCV1QXyZzLdFy-O1PymucMo1MMR4sjpGPXY9ZHU&app=desktop
Enjoy your day!
My DLCO function had been trending down among PFT’s from last December and January to my PFT on May 15, 2019. Following my May test, I began K Laser treatment with Doctor Karen DeSimone of KD Therapy & Fitness in S. Yarmouth MA, following Dr. Andy Hall’s Protocol.
Prior to my latest test on July 11th, I have had 20 K Laser treatments. My DLCO function rebounded from the May test to almost hit the levels of last year’s results. I cannot attribute the increase in lung function to anything other than Dr. Simeone’s K Laser treatments. I am continuing treatment while my Pulmonologist continues to step down the dosage of Prednisone (currently at 5 mg) and I am looking forward to my next PFT results in October. Many thanks to Doctors Hall and DeSimone!
Hi Dr. Hall ( @drandyhall )
I called the people at Angus Therapeutics, I explained my situation with I.P.F. and how had read up on the 4K Laser |Therapy. The receptionist (Tracey) wasn’t quite sure about it so she put me on hold for a minute. She came back on saying that she spoke to the Dr. there and he said that they don’t do this kind of therapy there. Maybe I didn’t explain myself properly, or they just don’t know enough about the subject.
Again any help in this matter will be GREATLY appreciated .
Hello Richard Jarvis. Good to see you are experiencing benefits from laser therapy. What is your diagnosis? Is your pulmonologist on Cape or Boston? What led you to Dr. DeSimone? I have IPF since 2015 and on Esbriet. Always looking for an edge!
Hi Charlene;
I watched that video of UHN “BE AMAZED” and I was truly amazed at what goes on in behind the scenes at TGH.
and you’re right about the fact that my Dr. is well connected. But sometimes I feel that she doesn’t do enough. I know that i’m not her only patient, but still. Anyway I wrote to Dr. Hall also about the laser therapy place close by my home. apparently they don’t do that kind of therapy .Maybe Dr. Hall can come up with some other suggestion or something that might help me explain to these people better.
Take Care
Hi Sam,
So nice to hear from you! Yes the video is pretty incredible, I agree 🙂
Sorry to hear about your doctor though, it certainly can feel frustrating when we feel rushed or that our doctors could do more for us. Glad Dr. Hall is following up and hopefully can provide you with some suggestions and tips on how to pursue laser therapy close to home. Goodluck!
Very glad to hear you are improving. Did you also do a PFT in July that you can compare to your last PFT?
Hi Leontis,
Sorry if my post was not clear. Yes I had a PFT in May (before I started K Laser treatment) and agin in July. My DLCO improved by approximately 10 % according to the July PFT results.
Best regards,
Dick Jarvis
Hi Sam,
Please provide me with your email and I will send you some stuff that may help get you into Angus Therapeutics and I will offer some suggestions.
Hello Dr. Hall ( @drandyhall )
Thank you so much for responding so quickly .
here is my e-mail address
I am curious about the meaning of DLCO results as not familiar with this. Usually PFT results are measured using FVC, FEV1, etc.
Do your DLCO results mean the FVC, FEV1 were also about 10% better?
Hi Dr. Hall
I Haven’t heard from you in a while. Hope everything is well .
I not sure if you received my e-mail address. Please let me know.
Got your email Sam, thanks. I will be sending some stuff that may help you get into the doctor and get treated.
Hi Dr. Hall
Just want to give you an update about the Laser Therapy.
Looks like I’m S.O.L.! . The only way that he will do Laser Therapy is first get a letter from my Pulmonologist (like thats going to happen) if its not part of her team of Drs. then she wont have anything to do with it. Get a letter from my family Dr. and I know she wont give me one cause she really doesn’t know too much on the IPF that’s why she sent me to the pulmonologist in the first place. If I do get a letter from any of my Drs. and that’ a big IF, he’ll need to get permission from The Ontario College of Chiropractors in order to perform the Laser Therapy on my lungs. He did say that he is going to get in touch with KLaser company to see if they know of any such treatment done by any other Drs. in Ontario and he will get in touch with me when he finds anything out.
Thanks again for all your help Dr. Hall. Can”t say we didn’t try.
Wow Sam,
What a shame! I would certainly hate for you to not get laser therapy. Who knows? Some pulmonologists dont’ have a problem with laser therapy at all, there is always the outside chance you could get a letter from him. Worth at least trying. I think all of us in the US are blessed that we don’t have these kinds of problems getting treated.
I’ll keep good thoughts for you……..
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