My COVID-19 Experience as an IPF Patient
Hello Forums Community,
It was very hard to disclose to all of you and the online pulmonary fibrosis (PF) community that I was diagnosed COVID+. I contemplated whether or not writing about my experience was the right thing to do, as the last thing I wanted was to worry anyone else. My family and friends worried enough when I told them that despite my best efforts, I ended up with COVID-19. However, my decision to write about it and share my story comes from my commitment to this community to always be transparent, open and supportive so if reading that I have survived the dreaded virus with IPF helps one other person, then I am glad I chose to write about it.
You can read my latest column here, which is called: I Have COVID-19. Here’s What Happened.
Another thing I wanted to highlight within my column is the fact that false negative swabs can and do happen. This is important for anyone (regardless of having IPF/PF) to ensure that they continue to self-isolate if they are sick, even if their swab for COVID comes back negative. Unfortunately, both those who are asymptomic and who have a false negative swab can be rapidly spreading the virus if they do not take self-isolation seriously. I hope this column helps ease some anxieties for the PF/IPF community, but one thing I forgot to mention in my column is: it is still very important we all continue to take the proper precautions to avoid getting the virus.
Take car everyone and happy Memorial Day weekend to those in the US celebrating!
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