Charlene Marshall,  —

Charlene Marshall is a fiercely independent 30-something-year-old who can’t sit still. She loves coffee, wine tasting, playing with her dog, and spending time on the beach with her family. She’s a lover of all things travel, and never passes up an opportunity for a dip in the ocean! A proud Canadian, Charlene was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in 2016 after 13 months of investigation into sudden shortness of breath, a chronic cough, and unusual fatigue. IPF has forced her to slow down, but she’s slowly learning the value of quality versus quantity in everything she does.

Articles by Charlene Marshall

How Pets Benefit Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients

For those of you who are animal lovers, you probably already know that pets can be remarkable companions through illness, injury, loss or throughout any type of recovery period. There are many testimonials and personal stories online about how pets have helped a patient through chronic illness, injury or even…

Being a Patient Can Test Our Patience

Everyone diagnosed with a life-threatening disease or chronic illness can have a different experience as a patient. Many factors might cause this, including how involved patients are or want to be in their medical care, the expertise of their physicians, and how rapidly or invasive their disease becomes.

I Am Changed Since My Diagnosis

It likely wouldn’t surprise anyone to hear that after being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, there are many things about which a patient might feel differently. There also are changes both internally and externally that a patient will endure. These can be grander things, such as the way…

How to Help Others Deal With Your Disease

For patients diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis (PF), coming face to face with the realities of the disease happens quickly. This is often due to the physical impact of PF and that over time, the patient’s abilities to do things they once could do will shift dramatically as their disease progresses.

The Guilt of Being Immune-compromised

Since the beautiful season of fall has embraced us in southwestern Ontario, so has cold and flu season. Between the seasons changing and the kids going to school, there is an entirely new environment to breed germs, and I am hearing of more and more people catching a…