• Hobbies for COVID-19 Quarantine

    Posted by Charlene Marshall on April 1, 2020 at 5:17 pm

    Like many of you have already expressed, I too am starting to experience the deep loneliness and social isolation amidst this global COVID-19 pandemic. While I am somewhat used to this as a patient with a weak immune system and compromised lungs; I’ve never endured such strict enforcement and importance of social isolation or quarantine. I am lucky to enjoy many quiet hobbies around home that can keep my mind occupied, such as making cards or do-it-yourself home decor projects. I am not someone to watch much TV, or sit for hours on end with a book (though I do like to read). However, even while enjoying these projects, I am starting to feel the ‘weight’ of being quarantined, emotionally.


    I understand the importance of social distancing and have not (nor will not) break the quarantine keeping me and many others safe, however, we are all social beings. We crave connection to one another, so it is important to feel the gamet of emotions that come from our new world. I was thinking to myself how grateful I am to have hobbies I enjoy, but also about the fact that I have time to possibly learn a new skill right now as well.


    What hobbies have you been doing amidst the COVID-19 quarantine?


    Are you learning something new?


    I recently review a column I wrote back in February about the benefits of hobbies for those living with pulmonary fibrosis.  Take a peak at it HERE and share how hobbies are helping you during this tough time!

    Mark Koziol replied 4 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Judy

    April 2, 2020 at 2:11 pm

    I have been sewing, reading, computer games and Other crafts to keep busy. Take each day as it comes. Not used to staying in.

  • Karen Martin

    April 2, 2020 at 3:35 pm

    I am knitting a neighbor’s daughters blankets for their dolls, reading, doing crossword, word search and jigsaw puzzles. I sing along to some of my old records and tapes. (Yep, I am that old!) I frequently call friends to hear another human voice. There are also many cleaning and organizing jobs that lurk around every corner and I am contemplating some of those as well. I will admit to also talking to my cats as I live alone. The lack of human touch is the hardest thing right now since I live alone…except for said cats. Karen

  • Charlene Marshall

    April 4, 2020 at 12:30 pm

    Hi @craftyone ,


    Judy it is on my list to learn some basic sewing projects! I will let you know how I make out with that, but right now I am focusing on one day at a time, like you. I’ve been doing a lot of “DIY” projects to keep me busy and very thankful I have a number of quiet or indoor hobbies that I can still do while being isolated. I am also not used to staying in, it is tough! The day this virus is no longer a threat can’t come soon enough. Thanks for writing!
    Be well,

  • Charlene Marshall

    April 4, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    Hi Karen,

    So nice to hear from you! Thanks for sharing with us what is helping keep you busy during this time. I should pick out my knitting needles and try to re-learn this. I have so many crafty projects I want to try and pick up during this time! I also have a guitar I swore I’d try to learn but haven’t yet, maybe I should try this as well? I’m sure the girls will love the blankets for their dolls, what a sweet idea.

    Have you ever heard of a ‘temperature blanket’? My colleague is an avid knitter and she started one on Jan 1st – each colour represents a small temperature range (ie. 0-5 degrees C = red, 5-10 C = blue) etc. and she is adding a stitch for each day to track the temperature of the year. I thought that was really neat!

    I am enjoying video and phone calls with friends as well, and look forward to doing some organizing of my craft room when I muster up the energy to tackle that. Lack of human touch leaves me emotional as well. Glad you have your kitties there for you. Keep in touch, thinking of you.


  • Katie Bagshawe

    April 15, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    Lovely to see so much knitting and sewing. I wish I had some more supplies on hand so I could do the same!

    I spent the first week completing a big jigsaw we bought from Massachusetts on holiday a few years back and then made my first ever Simnel Cake for the Easter holiday. I’m just about to crack out another 1000 piece jigsaw sitting in the cupboard and I’ve also been making more of an effort to read all those books sitting patiently waiting on my shelf. Would love any more book recommendations though!

    I also have to keep up with study though so now I’ve organised myself a bit better I’ve done loads on my anatomy revision. I’m currently obsessed with everything about the heart and cardiovascular system. Fascinating stuff!

  • Mark Koziol

    April 15, 2020 at 2:13 pm

    Hello Katie, nice to hear from you. I occasionally see your tweets as we follow each other. You seem to be a very busy lady. I can’t give you any book referrals but can say I do feel organization is the key to a successful balance with your schooling, work, and extra curricular fun things you like to do. I saw your schedule on Twitter and it is full. Good luck with all of this. You are a driven person and the medical field will be proud to have you. Mark

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