
  • Systemic Enzymes, with or without prescription anti-fibrotics

    Posted by Rebecca Bloch on August 6, 2021 at 9:51 pm

    Hello, and thank you all for the wealth of knowledge and support you provide on a daily basis!

    I was diagnosed with IPF in December of 2020. I am 63 years old. I was referred to a Pulmonologist because of shortness of breath and dry cough.  My CT scan showed some scarring.  I have a history of asthma and environmental allergies,, and smoked for 7 years (quit in 1982).  I had a biopsy (not the open kind, but one where they go in through the throat).

    My 52 years old sister was diagnosed with Emphysema a few years ago, and was also diagnosed with IPF in December of 2020.

    I see a Naturopath as well as a Pulmonologist.  I have done some research and working with my Naturopath have developed the protocol outlined below.  It is working well for me, as my latest Pulmonary Function Test showed some improvement.

    1. Omeprazole 20mg – 1 daily
    2. Serrapeptase Pro 100,000 SPU – 2 daily on empty stomach
    3. Nattokinase 2000 FU/100mg – 2 daily on empty stomach with 10 oz. of water
    4. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) 225 mg – 1 daily
    5. Sitopaladi Churna (this is an Ayurvedic Medicine for cough.  I find it really helpful.  I add it to hot water with a little honey) 1/4 tsp – 2 daily

    Here are my questions.

    In the study about EGCG that I read on this site, it recommended 600 mg daily.  I’m wondering whether it’s worth increasing my dosage,  or since I’m taking Serrapeptase and Nattokinase, keep it at the lower dosage? What have others experiences been with EGCG?

    Have others taken both the EGCG and the systemic enzymes (Serrapeptase and Nattokinase)?

    Since the systemic enzymes are anti-fibrotics, does anyone have experience with taking them along with Ofev or Esbriet?


    For those wanting more information about Sitopaladi Churna, here is a link

    Sitopaladi Churna Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage & Side Effects (ayurtimes.com)


    Thank you so much for being here!

    Warm Regards,






    Sheila D replied 1 year, 12 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Hans M. Fink

    August 24, 2021 at 10:58 am

    Hello Rebecca,
    Thank you for the information on Systemic Enzymes.
    I have not tried it yet but am very interested I getting all the ingredients.
    Because I am currently on Ofev whose side-effects caused a lot of weight loss, decided to stop ECGC.
    Where would one usually find all the items you describe?

    Hans Fink (Windsor, Canada)

    • Rebecca Bloch

      August 26, 2021 at 7:07 pm

      Hello Hans,

      I purchase mine through the Wellevate website, because my naturopath uses that site to make recommendations and then I can easily log on and order what she recommends.  The brands I use are

      Serrapeptase Pro by EnzymeScience, Nattokinase 100 mg by AllergyResearchGroup and EGCG by designs for health.


      I haven’t experienced the weight loss taking the EGCG perhaps because I’m only taking 225mg.  It’s also decaffeinated, and I noticed not all EGCG supplements say that.


      Rebecca Bloch




  • conni

    August 25, 2021 at 7:46 am

    I use Chinese herbs from my doctor and have had minimal side effects from the Ofev when I take them first thing in the am.

    • Karen Boettin.

      August 26, 2021 at 8:33 pm

      What are you taking I can’t quit puking a lot on the morning dose takes about 2 hours thx

  • Steve Dragoo

    August 26, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    @christie-patient – Hi – I made 2 posts on different threads and I don’t see them. Has something changed?  Thanks – Steve

  • Kell

    February 14, 2023 at 11:25 pm

    Hello Rebecca,
    I was ecstatic when I read your post about the enzyme concoction you have been taking and it seems to be working. I want to suggest this to my mom. She tried Ofev and it caused way too many issues so she has been taking Esbriet but it has its set of side effects too but it is the lesser of the evils and since those are the only 2 drugs out there; she thought that was her only option. She has been declining though and so I wanted to look at alternative treatments. I found something a few days ago about enzymes and then I found this site and I wanted to know if anyone took them or if it was just a scam. Seems to not be which is awesome.
    Oh ya and do you not take either of the drugs? You just do the “all natural” stuff?
    Thank you so much

  • Sheila D

    March 17, 2023 at 7:33 am

    I take green tea extract/EGCG 750 mg 98% it has caused no ill effects. I have gotten rid of my acid reflex within a month, doing apple cider vinegar twice a day with water and a sweetener. Now, if I have issues, I do apple cider vinegar, gummy‘s they work. But I don’t have any prescription at this point in time. I have had PF for about a year and a half and on supplemental oxygen.

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