Ofev for fibrosing ILDs in children as young as 6 under FDA review

Which is better, 1 or 1,000? It depends.

When is a larger number the better choice? It depends. Recently, I’ve noticed some people in the pulmonary fibrosis (PF) community embracing numbers in studies without understanding their context. In terms of dollars, bigger numbers are better if you’re talking about savings, but smaller numbers are better if you’re…

My daughter helps me understand what I’ve learned from PF

Despite having a support group and talking with others who have the same condition, I haven’t gleaned everything I need to know about pulmonary fibrosis. I’m still walking in the shadows of this disease, trying to find a semblance of my pre-diagnosis self. Someone in my support group asked,…

Shorter telomeres, protective caps for DNA, may raise IPF risk

People with shorter telomeres, or chromosome “caps,” may be at a greater risk of developing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a study reported. This work “also provided some interesting genetic evidence to prove that obesity and exposure to tobacco smoking as a fetus might also contribute to the development of…

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