US ‘Right to Try’ Law Meets with Mix of Praise and Criticism, Including Among Those with Rare Diseases

How I Deal with Heat Since My Pulmonary Fibrosis Diagnosis

Patients living with a life-threatening lung disease might struggle to breathe in humid weather. However, since each patient’s condition is unique, some people living with IPF find that humidity isn’t as bothersome as frigid temperatures are for their lungs. Following my IPF diagnosis, my pulmonologist gave me advice on…

#ATS2018 – Start of Anti-Fibrotic Therapy in Newly Diagnosed IPF Patients Can Depend on Physician Preference, Survey Finds

A pulmonologist’s characteristics — such as the nature of the practice and previous treatment experience — can influence when anti-fibrotic therapy use is initiated in newly diagnosed idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)  patients, a study based on a U.S. survey found. This finding adds to an understanding of the factors, besides patient preference,…

#ATS2018 – Esbriet Lowers Risk of Seasonal IPF Flares Leading to Hospitalizations, Phase 3 Data Show

Seasonal flares of disease activity that can lead to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients being hospitalized, especially in the winter months, appear to be effectively countered by treatment with Esbriet (pirfenidone) compared to placebo, a new retrospective analysis of data from Phase 3 clinical trials shows. Results were presented by Brett Ley,…