
Tips to Help Doctors Give Us the Help We Need

Just like you, I’ve had my share of good experiences with doctors, and frustrating ones, too. I wish I could share some tips with doctors to help me cope with this awful disease. I’ve asked fellow patients I know online for their input, and they had a lot…

Celebrating Meaningful Milestones

Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 40th anniversary. I was so grateful to celebrate this amazing day with this wonderful man! Four years ago, I was told I had a few months to a year to live and I was offered no treatment options. Being given…

A Gratitude Miniseries: June 2018

This is an ongoing series. Read the May 2018 entry here. Here it is: my gratitude miniseries column for June 2018. This means that we’re halfway through the year and, overall, I’d say it has been a better one for me, compared to the past few years. That isn’t…