
I Can’t Help Feeling Like a Burden

I’ve experienced increased sensitivity to comments, gestures, or unusual behavior from others since my IPF diagnosis. Sometimes this is attributed to the medications I take for the management of my disease, such as high doses of steroids. At other times, I feel increasingly sensitive because I am aware…

My Life Isn’t Over Yet

About two years ago I had a very touching experience. I had retired from my counseling practice of 30 years. I was part of a group of 10 wonderful therapists who were good friends as well as colleagues. Once a year we went on a retreat to a…

I’m Feeling Vulnerable as My PF Progresses

I’ve been feeling vulnerable lately. I feel vulnerable having pulmonary fibrosis (PF), being disabled, using supplemental oxygen, and being ever-increasingly more dependent on others. What do I mean by vulnerable? Oxford English Dictionary defines “vulnerable” as “exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically…

A Gratitude Miniseries: May 2018

    As a continuation of my “Gratitude Miniseries,” a monthly column highlighting the things I’ve enjoyed over the past four weeks, I am happy to report that May was a better month for me. As I shared in my previous column, April was tough, and although…

How I Deal with Heat Since My Pulmonary Fibrosis Diagnosis

Patients living with a life-threatening lung disease might struggle to breathe in humid weather. However, since each patient’s condition is unique, some people living with IPF find that humidity isn’t as bothersome as frigid temperatures are for their lungs. Following my IPF diagnosis, my pulmonologist gave me advice on…

What I’ve Learned from Lung Transplant Tests

I shared in a recent column that I’m going through testing for lung transplant consideration. It has been challenging, but I am grateful because I know many pulmonary fibrosis patients do not have this opportunity. Being poked and prodded is exhausting, stressful, and sometimes painful. But it…